External Review and Audits
Find out more about external review and audit provision at the University of Cumbria.
All universities in the UK are subject to the requirements of the Office for Students (OfS) for the quality and standards of the courses they offer. To register, and stay registered, with the OfS providers must show that they offer high quality higher education.
The OfS conditions of registration are designed to make sure high standards are maintained. The OfS regulatory framework provides the detail in respect to both the initial and general ongoing conditions. Procedures and Processes at the University of Cumbria align to the OfS regulatory framework.
The University of Cumbria may also apply to specific Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) to accredit its professional programmes and in doing so the University recognises the PSRBs right to monitor and review those programmes via annual or periodic review and through re/validation.
PSRBs have their own standards relating to the professional elements of a programme of study and may have specific requirements, for example in relation to the number of placement hours a student is in practice or the number of credits a student has to achieve before progressing to the next level or completing. In cases where the PSRB requirements are in contravention of the University's academic regulations, the PSRBs requirements take precedence, and these must be approved at the point of validation and made clear in information to students.