Leadership and Collaborative Working courses
These courses focus on developing leadership skills, with a particular emphasis on collaborative working across disciplines and functions. Individual course pages provide further details about course content, learning objectives and booking arrangements.
Short courses
Collaborative Project Behaviours
This course gives participants an awareness of how behaviours can affect the performance of project teams and have an impact on the success of a project. The course has been endorsed by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) and provides participants with knowledge of tools and techniques for working collaboratively and creating high-performing project teams.
Collaborative Working and the Project Execution Plan
The course introduces participants to key concepts of collaborative working and behavioural change which they can apply to the creation and maintenance of a Project Execution Plan (PEP or PXP), also known as a Project Management Plan (PMP) or Project Initiation Document (PID).
Empowering Project Professionals to Improve Performance
This course enables participants to understand how human behaviours contribute to project performance. The course utilises a range of activities, grounded in project management, human factors and human performance theory, to empower participants to have a positive impact on project performance.
Leading Projects to Success
Leading Projects to Success is an integrated development programme which helps organisations to grow project delivery capability. It complements technical project skills training by focusing on people and leadership.