ModuleStrategy and a Strategic Mindset

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Duration Part-time, 12 weeks
Start date September, January, April
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Module Overview

The aim of this module is to enable you to develop strategic approaches to leadership and innovation while equipping you for planning and systems thinking.

The module will help you grow a more strategic mindset and leadership attitude and will provide you with clear tools for the creation of professional business strategies. It will introduce some of the principles of war and game theory. The module will allow you to gain the necessary insights and tools to plan around position, intention and direction and introduce creative concepts for innovation.

In-line with the principles of transformational leadership, this course is designed to give you self-reflective as well as practical tools to help you lead your teams more effectively, strengthen your own leadership role and help you and your organisation reach your strategic goals.


On successful completion, you will be able to:
1.    Critically evaluate the theories and models developed around strategy and strategic planning and thinking to support innovation.  
2.    Critically self-reflect on your own ability to think strategically in your business context.
3.    Identify opportunities and threats to intended, emergent and realised strategies, and develop appropriate plans in response.
4.    Develop and defend a concrete strategic plan around a specific business challenge.

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