Job Vacancies
We are the University of Cumbria, serving our communities, with people, place and partnership at our heart.
Want to make an impact? Join our community of over 1,000 academics, researchers, and support staff across the North West and London. By working at the University, you will join our commitment to providing an inclusive work environment where staff are encouraged to be their true selves so that they can become change-makers in their field of expertise.

Recent Successes
We are proud of the many successes we have achieved as a university. If you'd like to find out our most recent successes, just click the button below to visit our News section.
University news
Relocating to Cumbria
If you want to work for the University of Cumbria, but are not from the area yourself, then you may be worried about moving to a new region. To help with this, we have put together a comprehensive guide to make sure you are fully prepared for relocating to your new job.
Relocation Guide