Collaborative Provision
We are the University of Cumbria, for and from Cumbria and its localities, rooted in and serving our communities, with people, place and partnership at our heart.
This partnership working includes collaborative provision, where the University will approve a partner to deliver programmes that lead to a University of Cumbria award. These are normally developed as validation or franchise partnerships.
The University currently has around 15 active collaborative provision partnerships. These include local FE Colleges, private providers and overseas college partnerships. Through these there are over 3500 students studying on approximately 80 programmes. There is further information about these below.
Developing new partnerships takes time but we welcome expressions of interest. If you are seeking to develop a new collaborative provision partnership, please contact AcademicPartnerships@cumbria.ac.uk with a summary of your proposal (the programmes you wish to offer) with an outline plan to show planned scale and growth, any market intelligence to demonstrate demand for the proposal, plus any other supporting information about your organisation. We will then use this to see if this is a development we can support further.
Our UK Collaborative Provision Partners
Belfast School of Theology
Bury College
Furness College
Gen2 Training Ltd
Kendal College
Lakes College West Cumbria
Nelson and Colne College Group
Northumberland College
Sunderland College
Our International Collaborative Provision Partners
The University enjoys a small but growing number of international collaborative provision partnerships. The University’s International Office hosts more detailed pages dedicated to each of these partnerships: