Monitoring & Evaluation
The university has a range of mechanisms to ensure programmes are continually evaluated, monitored and enhanced. A number of the key processes are summarised below.
Student feedback
Student evaluation is central to the University’s monitoring and review processes. The University’s Student Voice Strategy sets out the various ways the University seeks to listen and respond to the student voice and it explains our approach to working in partnership with students in quality assurance and enhancement. Students are members of many of the University’s formal committees, either through elected student representatives or through University of Cumbria Student Union (UCSU) representation. Currents students and/or alumni also feed into the revalidation of programmes on a cyclical basis and students are consulted about any minor changes to their programmes.
Module Evaluation
An essential part of the process of continual review is module evaluation. At the end of each module, students are invited to complete an evaluation. Outcomes feed into annual monitoring processes and may be discussed in Staff Student Fora.
Annual monitoring
The University's annual monitoring process is designed to support the University in its approach to continual quality improvement. The process of Annual Evaluatory Review (AER) is based on the following principles:
- The critical evaluation of its taught provision to improve programme quality
- Action planning to address any issues at the lowest possible level
- The identification and sharing of good practice
- Improving the student experience
- Seeing students as partners in quality assurance and enhancement
At the end of each academic year, all taught programmes are reviewed with regard to their operation that year and an Annual Evaluatory Review (AER) report is prepared to cover each programme
AER is informed by a range of sources including student feedback, external examiner reports, staff evaluation, stakeholder feedback and student achievement data.
Programmes delivered under collaborative arrangements have their own AERs that feed into the University system.