Energy and Carbon Management

The University of Cumbria has developed a Carbon Management Plan (CMP) in order to support its long term aim of becoming a more sustainable institution. This plan represents our commitment to achieving a 45% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020, taken from a 2007-08 baseline.

To find out more download the plan and our energy policy.

Carbon Management Plan (PDF)

Energy Policy (PDF)

Green Impact Scheme

As part of our ongoing commitment to sustainability, we have signed up to take part in an exciting programme led by the National Union of Students.

Green Impact Universities and Colleges is an environmental accreditation scheme which helps people improve their working environments and positively impact the lives of their students whilst gaining recognition for their efforts. The scheme has worked with more than 50 universities and colleges, over 100 Students’ Unions, and ever increasing numbers of community organisations.

Staff volunteers needed

This year, staff at the University will be encouraged to form teams and complete an online workbook that acts as a framework for continual improvement.

The teams aim to win a bronze, silver or gold accreditation through fulfilling a variety of environmental criteria that have a significantly positive effect on their working environment.

The central team at NUS as well as at UoC will help support teams through the process, as well as providing a wealth of online resources to help make changes in working environments across the institutions.

More Information

If you think you’d be interested in becoming a Green Impact team, please get in touch with Daniel Jones on 01524 590 880  or email

We look forward to making Green Impact a real success at the University!


Eco Campus


What is it?

EcoCampus is an Environmental Management System (EMS) and award scheme targeted towards the higher education sector. 

Why is it important?

The EcoCampus scheme encourages, rewards and provides tools to assist the university in achieving long term environmental/sustainability targets and implementing improved practices. 

The development of an EMS allows us to better understand and control our impact on the environment, reduce the risk of pollution, ensure compliance with environmental legislation and drive continual improvement of our operations.

What are we doing?

The scheme is broken down into a number of stages - bronze, silver, gold and platinum. 

The scheme follows a PLAN – DO – CHECK – ACT (PDCA) model as shownPDCA.jpg, Continual improvement

The University of Cumbria achieved the Silver Award in July 2014

To achieve the Silver award the University successfully: 

Waste and Recycling

The University of Cumbria is dedicated to substantially decreasing the amount of waste it sends to landfill by reducing waste, reusing where possible and recycling when necessary.

We aim to divert over 90% of our waste from landfill. To achieve this, we encourage all our students and staff to be conscientious about recycling during their time at the university.

Partnership with Cumbria Waste Group

To support our environmental target, we are pleased to be working with a local business, Cumbria Waste Group, for our main site waste management services. CWG were appointed to help improve the amount of waste being recycled by separating at source. The university now segregates into three streams – Paper & Card, Co-mingled (plastic, tins & glass) and non – recyclable.

CWG is responsible for emptying over 100 bins each week across our four main campus sites in Carlisle, Lancaster and Ambleside.

Legal Information

The University of Cumbria is a licensed waste carrier. Our licence number is CBDL135305.

This allows us to carry waste directly to waste recycling or disposal sites, or between our main campus and ancillary sites.

Our Waste Carrier Certificate

Hazardous Waste – Consignment Note Codes

When hazardous waste is moved it must be accompanied by the correctly completed paperwork called a consignment note. A consignment note code must be unique, and is valid for only one consignment.

The format for the consignment note code is below for the respective sites.

Ambleside campus:  UOCAMB/00001
Carlisle campus:  UOCCAR/00001
Lancaster campus:  UOCLAN/00001

The 5 numbers at the end of each code must be unique for each collection and are only valid for one consignment.

For further information, contact our Environment & Sustainability Manager.

Contacts and Information

Daniel Jones, Estates & Property Manager

Phone: 01524 590 880

Links to policies and information on environmental, sustainability, energy and waste management issues at the University of Cumbria.

Environment Sustainability Policy (PDF)

Waste Management Policy (PDF)

Environment and Sustainability Policies

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