The Print unit in Lancaster provides a full range of printing, copying and finishing work. This is for students, staff and the general public.

Our portfolio offers:

  • Full design and artwork service
  • Business start-up packages
  • Same-day print service
  • Colour printing
  • Dissertation printing and binding
  • Poster printing up to A1 size

Please contact a member of our team, who will be happy to offer advice and provide a quotation and send examples of our work.

Download a price list of services available:

Print Services Leaflet


Core opening hours:
Monday - Friday 9am - 3.30pm
Tel: 01524 384315

Printing and Photocopying from University Machines

There are combined printing and photocopying machines at all University of Cumbria campuses. The devices provide high quality, high volume, rapid printing, photocopying, and scanning facilities. These provide a reduction in wasted printing as incorrect versions can be deleted before printing at no cost to users.

Each printer is set to duplex, black and white A4 print as standard but this can be amended to print in colour and on specific machines A3.

Print prices are as follows (per page – duplex is charged as 2 pages):

 Black and whiteColour
A4 5p 20p
A3 10p 40p

You can also print documents from A4 up to A1 (poster size) and access a range of other services at our Print Unit.


"I have worked closely with the Print Unit always found their work to be of an impeccably high professional standard. They work hard to deliver items on schedule if not earlier, and are always a pleasure to work with. I would recommend them for any work of this nature wholeheartedly." - Lexie Ward, Theatre Manager Stanwix Theatre

"I use Print Services for work-related printing, but also as a private customer for the production of a regular newsletter. The service is really cost-effective for our small association, and the quality and turn-around are excellent." - Marion Yates, Head of International Development University of Cumbria

"I have used the print unit for several years now to print poster, fliers and show guides for our events. I have found the staff to be extremely helpful and the work has always been produced on time and to a very high standard." - Rachel Gibson, Quay Creative


New students

You’ll start with a £1 credit on your Cumbria Card, for your printing account. After you’ve used that credit, please purchase print credit through the Student Hub using a debit or credit card. You will need to click on the Print Top-Up button on this page ( to access the payments system.

Want to check your credit balance?

  1. Log on to a university computer.
  2. Hover, with your mouse, over the black £ icon on the bottom right side of the screen. A pop-up box appears, displaying your credit balance.

The Cumbria Card is a multi-functional card which uses smart card technology to access students' accounts. It's issued to all students at registration – see the student portal for all the details on how to make the most of your card.

Understanding Copyright

It is essential that you understand how copyright laws affect copying and printing.

Check the notices displayed next to the photocopier - these explain what material may legally be copied under the Library's licence and which works are excluded. If you have any doubts, please ask a member of the Library Team at any library desk for further information.

As a borrower, you are personally responsible for complying with the copyright regulations governing the use of the library photocopier and interlibrary loans.

The university does not accept responsibility if any user has action taken against them by the CLA (Copyright Licensing Agency) for breach of copyright.

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