Level: Primary and Secondary
Non-salaried places: PGCE Primary Education (5-11yrs) with QTS and PGCE Secondary Education (11-16yrs) with QTS in Biology, Chemistry, English, Geography, History, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Music, Physics and Religious Education
Location: Lancashire
Start date: September 2019
Lead school: St Wilfrid's CE Academy
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About Our School
Bishop Rawstorne Church of England Academy is the lead school for the North West School Direct Alliance. This growing partnership of schools work closely together to ensure that our School Direct Teacher Training Programme is of the highest quality and provides our trainee teachers with all of the support and resources that they will need in order to become outstanding practitioners in their own right. We also have a close working relationship with the University of Cumbria and work collaboratively with staff from the university to make sure that your experiences in school and when completing assignments are fully supported.
Schools within our partnership have been carefully selected to ensure that we can offer a wide range of opportunities for trainees to personalise their school based experiences and includes faith schools, community schools, pupil referral units, special schools and post-16 learning environments. Our schools are conveniently located across the northwest and will provide you with a diverse range of teaching and learning experiences.
In many respects, the most important people that you will meet in our schools are the pupils. Their friendly and welcoming demeanour helps to ensure that each of our schools can provide placements where you will be able to work with happy, confident, well behaved young people.
Staff also fully support this ethos and will help you to both find your feet in school and then support your progress in developing your own teaching style. They have a wealth of experience and are eager to share their skills and knowledge with you.
All of our schools have a long track record in supporting initial teacher training and as a result of our combined efforts, 75% of our trainees last year were graded as outstanding and 25% as good. We fully intend to further improve the programme in order to secure the best outcomes for our trainees not least because this helps to guarantee the outcomes for our pupils in the future.