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Information for Secondary Students and Schools


On this page, you will find the most up-to-date policies, guidance and forms relating to the Secondary Partnership.

If there is additional information that you think would be useful, please let the Placement Unit know and we will include it on this site.

Policies and Guidance

Placement and Travel Policy

DBS and Safeguarding

Partnership Agreement

Code of Conduct

Confidentiality Statement

Forms for Placements and Schools

Forms for Placements/Schools

Core Content Framework

Core Content Framework for Mentors Setting Targets

Additional CCF Resources for Trainee Teachers and Their Mentors

Lesson Planning

At the early stages of learning to be a teacher, students need a detailed understanding of that factors to be considered in planning a lesson. Therefore, when beginning placements, we expect students to use the template that the university provides.

Download the Lesson Plan Template

On Developing and Extending placements there are more lessons to be taught to more children; so written planning requirements can be more flexible. At this stage; The student (only with their associate tutor's agreement) may use a school planning template or design their own.

The University of Cumbria would not expect students to be working soley from MTP's (weekly plans) until Extending phase.

Individual lesson plans should be provided for all observed lessons.

Mentor Training

Mentor Training materials for Secondary Trainees are available at Secondary Pebblepad Site

If you would like to discuss local training please contact: Peter Tankard (Core Programme Leader) or John Cawkwell (School Based Programme leader) on either or 


Key Contacts

PGCE Leaders

Anne Dareys, PGCE Programme Leader for Secondary Core


Role: Managing all aspects of the Secondary PGCE (Core - University Led) Programme.


John Cawkwell, PGCE Programme Leader for Secondary School Based Alliances & SCITT


Role: Managing all aspects of the Secondary School Based Programme


Placement Unit


Placement Unit Administration Team

Phone: 01228 279289



Bryony Lowe, Placement Administator

Phone: 01228 242554


Role: Bryony oversees the administration of the Secondary Placements for PGCE


Jackie Hartley, Placement Administator

Phone: 01228 242850


Role: Jackie oversees the administration of the Secondary Placements for School Based Alliances


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