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A new space for reflection in the St Martin's Chapel

The St Martin’s Chapel is a significant building on our Lancaster campus. In the summer of 2014 we launched a campaign with funds primarily being used to refurbish the room at the rear of the Chapel for use as a ‘reflective space’. We have also been able to improve the general condition of the paint and plaster work, including an upgrade to the existing chapel facilities and to purchase new furniture.

The majority of the funds were kindly donated by former students of the campus from the early 1960’s and we are immensely grateful for this level of support that will continue to provide both staff and students, now and in the future, with a welcoming space for both worship and contemplation.

Alexandra Logan, Co-ordinating Chaplain said “The quiet room was completed in the summer of 2015 and it’s amazing how quickly it has become well used and loved. We use it to run mindfulness sessions for students and staff and we often notice people using it for quiet time during the day.  I opened the door a few weeks ago and found a student asleep on the sofa! In a busy university, where both students and staff are under considerable pressure, it’s great to have such a lovely space for a few moments peace and quiet”.

If you would like further information on this fund or would like to make a donation, please contact Karen Jones on 01228 400301 or email to