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Update Service

What is The DBS Update Service?

The DBS Update Service makes DBS checks generally transferable, subject to certain conditions such as the level of check; the workforce(s) and Barred List(s) specified; and whether it was for a paid or a voluntary position. More information is available on the DBS’s Update Service webpage.

If you are already subscribed to the DBS Update Service, you may not need to complete a new DBS check if your existing DBS check meets our requirements. This is not automatic and there is action needed by you. Please see the section below for further details.

If you are not already registered with the DBS Update service, you will need to apply for a new DBS check via the University of Cumbria following the instructions on our DBS information webpage.  You can then choose to join the DBS Update Service using this check if you wish. 

How to use an existing DBS Certificate registered with the DBS Update Service

If you are registered with the Update Service, we may be able to accept this in lieu of completing a new DBS check if it meets the following criteria: 

  • It is an Enhanced DBS check and was carried out for a ‘Paid’ Position, we cannot accept DBS Certificates for voluntary roles.
  • The DBS Certificate is an exact match to the type and level required for your course.  
  • The DBS Certificate must be in your full current legal name, and show all previous names in the ‘other names’ section of the certificate.
  • You have the physical original DBS Certificate in your possession.

Please follow the steps below to complete our Update Service process: 

Step 1 – Provide us with a clear scan/photograph of your DBS Certificate

Step 2 – Confirm that your DBS Certificate meets our requirements

Step 3 – Attend your in-person appointment

How do I join the DBS Update Service?

You may wish to join the update service with the DBS application you complete via the University of Cumbria.  This would potentially enable you to use your University of Cumbria DBS check again in future within the same workforce and not have to apply for a new one (e.g. when you get a job or do voluntary work).  There are certain restrictions to this, and employers are not obliged to use the DBS Update Service, so it is not a guarantee that you will never need to obtain another DBS check. 

Please Note that joining the DBS Update Service, is optional and carries an additional fee of £16 per year (correct at the time of writing) to subscribe to it, which you need to renew annually.  You would pay this fee on the DBS website at the time of joining the service. 

How to subscribe to the DBS Update service:


  • Use your DBS Certificate number once you have received your DBS Certificate throiugh the post.  You must do this within 30 days of the date of issue of your DBS Certificate.

Please Note: You cannot join the DBS Update Service via the University of Cumbria's DBS application website.  You can only join via the DBS's Update Service subscription page 

Keeping Bank Details Updated 

In order to keep your subscription with the DBS Update Service active, it is your responsibility to ensure that you update any change in your bank details on your update service account.  Unlike a direct debit, if you fail to inform the DBS Update Service of a change in your bank details, they will be unable to take your yearly subscription payment and your enrolment with the DBS Update Service will lapse.  This will mean that you would no longer be able to use the DBS Certificate(s) which you had registered with the DBS Update Service.   

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