How to apply to university through Clearing

How to apply to university through Clearing

If you’re thinking about applying to Cumbria through Clearing but aren’t sure how the process works, we’ve prepared this detailed guide to ensure you have all the information you need.

Posted on Friday, May 31, 2024

Tagged Applications, Clearing

Navigating the UCAS Application

Navigating the UCAS Application

Congratulations, you’ve done your research, been to the open days, and discussed your options with family and friends. Now it’s time to start on your application! But where do you begin? Applying for university is very exciting, but it can also feel like a whirlwind. If you're finding the process a little overwhelming, don’t panic! We’ve put together some information and handy tips to help you along the way.

Posted on Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Tagged Applications, Undergraduate

Is university right for me?

Is university right for me?

With increasing living costs, changes to Student Finance and alternative study paths like apprenticeships, it's natural to wonder whether university is the right option for you. If it will help you get the qualifications you need to achieve your dream career, then it's definitely a great choice.

Posted on Monday, October 30, 2023

Tagged Applications

What Degree Should I Do? Top Tips For Choosing Your University Degree Subject

What Degree Should I Do? Top Tips For Choosing Your University Degree Subject

Choosing which degree to study is exciting, but it’s natural to feel uncertain too. You’ll typically spend 3-4 years studying your chosen subject, and your degree will open doors for you in your future career, so it’s important to think carefully about your decision. To help you decide on your next steps, these are our top tips for how to choose what university degree to do.

Posted on Friday, October 27, 2023

Tagged Applications, Undergraduate

A complete guide to Applicant Visit Days

A complete guide to Applicant Visit Days

Coming to university is a big decision. It's important to make sure you've got all the answers you need before you choose your firm and insurance options. An Applicant Visit Day at the University of Cumbria can be a game-changer for your future.

Posted on Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Tagged Applications, Finance, Student Hub

How to choose a university

How to choose a university

With over 390 higher education institutions and 50,000 courses in the UK , we understand that it can be difficult to narrow down where you want to go. This guide will set you on your way to shortlisting universities for your UCAS application.

Posted on Friday, April 8, 2022

Tagged Applications, Student Life, Undergraduate



So there’s something that you’re really passionate about and feel drawn towards turning into a career. A career change can be really tough and pretty daunting, however making that bold decision to take your life in a new direction in your 30’s, 40’s or even 50’s can be much easier than you think.

Posted on Friday, April 1, 2022

Tagged Applications, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Social Science

Get Ready for Open Days: 5 Ways To Make the Most Of Your Open Day

Get Ready for Open Days: 5 Ways To Make the Most Of Your Open Day

There’s no better way to discover if a university is for you than by whole-heartedly throwing yourself into one of its open days. You’re free to soak up the atmosphere, wander the corridors, meet the staff and students and get a real feel for the place. A website, regardless of how professional and informative it is, just can’t compare to a real life experience.

Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2022

Tagged Applications, Postgraduate, Student Hub, Student Life, Undergraduate

Commencing Study If You Deferred a Year: Why 2021 Is the Perfect Year to Study

Commencing Study If You Deferred a Year: Why 2021 Is the Perfect Year to Study

If you have deferred in 2020 and are commencing study this September, or if you deferred to 2022 but had a change in circumstance and want to start your course in 2021, here is everything you need to know.

Posted on Thursday, June 3, 2021

Tagged Applications

Is it really possible to juggle work, family and study while at university?

Is it really possible to juggle work, family and study while at university?

Here are our top tips for juggling commitments in all the different aspects of your life as you embark on your university studies.

Posted on Monday, January 28, 2019

Tagged Applications, Finance, Nursing

How to write a good nursing personal statement for University

How to write a good nursing personal statement for University

Write a brilliant personal statement to support your nursing application for University.

Posted on Monday, December 31, 2018

Tagged Applications, Nursing