Combatting Climate Change
Andrew Weatherall is the leader of Working Group 1 - Approaches and Definitions of Climate Smart Forestry (CSF) in an EU COST Action, Climate Smart Forestry in Mountain Regions (CLIMO).
Posted on Friday, February 26, 2021
Tagged Forestry

13 Things our students do in the Windermere peaks that are so much better than crying
Our beautiful homeland has received a very special mention by a certain popstar this week. None other than Taylor Swift has talked about “The Lakes” in her new album “Folklore”!
Posted on Friday, August 14, 2020
Tagged Ambleside, Art and Design, Business, Conservation, Forestry, Geography, Health and Wellbeing, Media Arts, National School of Forestry, Outdoor Studies, Paramedic, Physiotherapy, Policing, Science, Sport, Student Life, Wildlife Media

What is Forestry?
Forestry is many things to many people and one of the major land use types in the UK. Woodland cover currently sits at 13% in the UK while only around 6% is described as urban or developed. This shows how important forestry is to land management in the UK.
Posted on Wednesday, January 23, 2019