How does UCAS Extra work?
UCAS Extra is available to any undergraduate applicant that has applied for courses starting in 2024 using UCAS, if you have not received any offers from your original 5 choices, or you declined the offers you received.
Universities and colleges that still have courses with vacancies will show in the UCAS search tool and will be available to add as an option to your application. Your application will then be considered.
Can you use UCAS Extra if you already have an offer?
If you received any offers but declined them, you can use UCAS Extra to add another choice to your application. If you have any offers that are outstanding or you have already accepted one of your offers, you cannot use UCAS Extra.
When does UCAS Extra open?
UCAS Extra is open between 28 February and 4 July. After this point, any new applications you make through UCAS for 2024 entry will need to be done through Clearing.
What is the difference between UCAS Extra and Clearing?
UCAS Extra happens before Clearing starts and the process offers the opportunity to apply to another university if they didn’t get any offers from their original choices, or if they declined all their offers.
How to apply to UCAS Extra in 3 easy steps
Step 1: Find the course you wish to apply to using the UCAS course finder
Step 2: Contact us to find out if we’ll consider you based on our requirements
Step 3: Apply for your chosen course by adding the details to your UCAS application (if you are applying for a different subject, consider sending a new personal statement to the university to strengthen your application).
What happens after I apply through UCAS Extra?
Once you’ve added us as a choice in UCAS Extra, we will consider your application. If, after 21 days, we still haven’t responded, you can choose to either continue to wait to hear back, or you can replace it with a different UCAS Extra choice until the 4th July.
If you receive an offer and you accept it on UCAS, the place is yours subject to any entry requirements or conditions specified.
If you receive an offer and you wish to decline it, you can do so and then add another UCAS Extra choice before the 4th July.
If you don’t receive an offer, you can start the process again and keep trying until UCAS Extra closes on the 4th July.
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