About Wetlands
Wetlands are important ecosystems that contribute to biodiversity, climate mitigation and adaptation, water quality, controlling erosion and more. Collectively, wetlands are the world’s largest terrestrial carbon store, essential for mitigating climate change. There are many types of wetlands located on our estuaries coasts and deltas, along rivers and lakes, and peatlands in upland and lowland settings.
Peatland Restoration Project
Here at our Ambleside campus, an exciting research project is currently underway that aims to take peatland restoration to another level of understanding. As part of the Eco-1 NW £14m research development programme, the project focuses on evaluating new practices for peatland restoration.
80% of UK peatlands are in a degraded state and are thought to emit ~23.24 Mt of carbon equivalent annually
The project explores how pristine, degraded, or previously restored peatlands can regain function to enable the maximum amount of carbon storage, thus contributing to net-zero carbon targets for the UK by 2050.
This project is the first of its kind to utilise 3D X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography in the study of peatland restoration, the application of which was pioneered by Dr Simon Carr here at the University of Cumbria.
The research aims to inform the IUCN Peatland Strategy, and will guide both policy and practise in the restoration of peatlands.
More Information
Project title: 'Evaluating upland blanket peatland restoration in Cumbria: structure, function, gaseous exchange, and carbon accounting'
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BSc (Hons) Outdoor Adventure and Environmental Studies
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BSc (Hons) Animal Conservation Science
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BSc (Hons) Woodland Ecology and Conservation
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