These courses focus on programme and portfolio management knowledge and skills, including business change management. Individual course pages provide further details about course content, learning objectives and booking arrangements.


Professional Qualifications

Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®)

Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®) represents proven programme management good practice in the successful delivery of transformational change through the application of programme management. The MSP® courses cover the AXELOS syllabus for the MSP® framework, blending theory and practical case study work. The trainer will lead the participants through the MSP® framework and will work towards the final examination using sample questions.


Higher Education

Graduate Certificate in Applied Programme Management

This programme will help students develop into effective and reflective Programme Management professionasl who can apply and embed their learning into the workplace. Students will develop their ability to synthesise and evaluate this through reflection and the mutual transfer of learning between the academy and workplace.


Graduate Certificate in Applied Business Change Management

This programme is designed to further develop Business Change Management professionals as effective and reflective practitioners, to enable them to apply and embed their learning from industry-based CPD training activity in the workplace and to develop their ability to synthesise and evaluate this through reflection and the mutual transfer of learning between the academy and workplace.


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