
Is Rewilding Possible in the UK?

Using case study examples we will identify the variety of Human Dimensions affecting rewilding projects success, try to answer some of the main questions raised and explore important processes involved with rewilding.

Forensic Science

Event Overview

Rewilding is big news at present, with large projects in in the UK stating they are aiming to rewild tracks of land. However, whilst there is general support for rewilding, there is an increasing need to raise the public’s knowledge about rewilding while gaining public support, attracting significant funding, etc., that raises a lot of questions: What is rewilding, should we rewild, how long will it take? While the public may broadly support rewilding, they hold a variety of misunderstandings/misconceptions that need addressing. More broadly, in the UK especially, the different Human Dimension aspects will have a major impact on what ‘is’ or ‘is not’ achievable in rewilding.

In this session, using case study examples (such as species like beaver, white-tailed eagles, etc.), we will identify the variety of Human Dimensions affecting rewilding projects success, try to answer some of the main questions raised and explore important processes involved with rewilding. You start to uncover some of the major issues that need to be addressed and discuss regional variations to potential rewilding success and ultimately discuss how wild can we make the UK.

This masterclass is only available via online delivery.