Masterclass UCAS points reductions are subject to the following terms and conditions. These conditions are subject to periodic change, for the most up to date terms and conditions please get in touch:
In the academic year 2024/5, Masterclasses will be delivered in two different methods: Virtual and Face-to-Face.
The subject groupings will remain the same, however the offer reduction for each method will differ, to reflect the difference in engagement.
Page last edited 14th October 2024
Terms and Conditions September 2024 to August 2025
For Masterclasses delivered in the year 2024/5, all registrants must give details of their year of intended study. The reduction will only be available on applications to begin in September of the stated year. (Accepted applications years: 2025, 2026). Any applications already made for September 2025 start cannot be retrospectively amended.
For events in 2024/5 and onwards, UCAS points reductions can only be applied to applications made in the year specified on registration for the event. If a registrant selects an option further than 2 years in the future (2027 or onwards), the reduction cannot be applied.
Applicants wishing to make applications for 2027 onwards should look to attend another masterclass or similar event in the future, closer to their application date.
For Face to Face Masterclasses attended in the 2024/5 academic year the offer reduction will equate to 16 UCAS points.
To account for the differences in engagement and delivery, for Virtual Masterclasses attended in the 2024/5 academic year the offer reduction will equate to 8 UCAS points.
The reduced UCAS points offer can only be applied to University of Cumbria courses linked to the masterclass attended. Please see the table below for clarification.
The reduced UCAS points offer can only be applied to level 4 undergraduate programmes at the University of Cumbria. This excludes any Integrated Foundation Years, Apprenticeships or Closed Cohort applications, Top Up programmes, CPD modules and programmes, or postgraduate study.
The UCAS points reduction will only be applied if the masterclass is attended prior to submitting an application for the degree programme through UCAS (allowing time for administrative processing of the attendance). Points cannot be redeemed retrospectively if you have already applied for one of the eligible courses at the University.
UCAS points will automatically be deducted from the top of the range upon application.
For example: University of Cumbria entry requirements for BSc (Hons) Psychology are 104-128 UCAS points. The standard offer would be at the top of the range, 128 UCAS points. Following attendance at a relevant Face to Face masterclass, an applicant would be made a reduced conditional offer of 112 UCAS points.
To receive the reduction in points, it is imperative that the applicant accurately completes all personal details requested at the end of the masterclass, or on registration for the event if being delivered virtually. If incorrect details are provided, the University of Cumbria will not make efforts to contact the attendee for corrected data, and the applicant may be ineligible to receive the reduced offer.
Attendees at Virtual Masterclasses must attend and engage with the session fully. Those who leave midway through or join significantly late will not be eligible to receive the reduced offer. The only exceptions to this are circumstances where an attendee has poor internet connection and drops out, this will not count against, as long as they return for the remainder of the session.
The UCAS points reduction cannot be redeemed at a different institution or against courses that are not listed in the terms and conditions.
Only one UCAS points deduction offer can be redeemed per course upon application - attending multiple masterclasses for the same degree programme will not result in the accumulation of points. If multiple events are attended the University will deduct the relevant points from any relevant course applied for. This UCAS points reduction cannot be applied in conjunction with any future Summer University offers for the same degree programme.
Applicants can only have reductions attached to their profile for a maximum of 2 Masterclass subject groupings
For example: A student attends a "Practical Injury Screening and Prevention Techniques" Masterclass (Sport & Rehabilitative Sciences) in September 2024, then attends a "Secrets in the Blood" Masterclass (STEM suite) in November 2024. They will be eligible to receive the relevant reduced points for either set of courses.
Scenario 1: If they go on to attend a "A Day in Social Work" Masterclass (Health & Social Care suite) in January 2025, this will over-ride the first one attended and they will no longer be eligible to receive a reduced offer for applications to Sport and Rehabilitative Sciences courses.
Scenario 2: Alternatively, if they attended "Inclusive Coaching Principles and Practice" Masterclass (Sports and Rehabilitative Sciences) in January 2025, this would NOT override the first event, as the subject groups do not conflict.
Where an applicant has attended both a virtual and a face to face Masterclass for the same subject grouping the higher points reduction will be applied.
For applicants not domiciled in the UK, attendance at a Masterclass will be used as contextual information and considered as part of an application.
Subject Groupings as of September 2024
The following subject groupings reflect the related programmes to each set of masterclasses. As such, some groupings may appear to be more generous with the reduction of offers. Queries relating to these subject groupings should be directed to
The reduction does not apply to Integrated Foundation Years, Apprenticeships or Closed Cohort applications, or postgraduate study for the below programmes.
Art & Design
BA (Hons) Fine Art
BA (Hons) Illustration
BA (Hons) Graphic Design
BA (Hons) Photography
Advanced Manufacturing
BEng (Hons) Advanced Manufacturing
Computer Science
BSc (Hons) Computer Science
BA (Hons) Business Management (all pathways)
BA (Hons) International Business Management
BSc (Hons) Animal Conservation Science
BSc (Hons) Marine and Freshwater Conservation
BSc (Hons) Zoology
Environmental Studies
BSc (Hons) Geography
BSc (Hons) Forest Management
FdSc Forestry
BSc (Hons) Woodland Ecology and Conservation
BSc (Hons) Environmental Science
Health & Social Care
BSc (Hons) Children and Young Peoples' Health and Wellbeing
BSc (Hons) Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy
BSc (Hons) Security, Intelligence and Investigative Practice
Sport & Rehabilitative Sciences
BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy
BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
BA (Hons) Sport, Coaching and Physical Education
BSc (Hons) Sport Rehabilitation
BA (Hons) Sport Conditioning and Performance Analysis
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science
BSc (Hons) Forensic Science
Contextual Admissions
For more information about our Contextual Offers and offer making process, see our Entry Requirements page.
For some applicants, a larger reduction may be applied to their offer due to other circumstances outlined on the Entry Requirements section of our website.
For more information about entry requirements, UCAS Tariff points and the Masterclass T&Cs, contact our Course Enquiry team by phone 0808 178 7373 or email
Previous Years
Terms and Conditions for previous years' events can be found below.
Terms and Conditions September 2021 to August 2022
For Masterclasses delivered in the year 2020/1, all registrants must give details of their year of intended study. The reduction will only be available on applications to begin in September of the stated year. (Accepted applications years: 2022, 2023). Any applications already made for September 2022 start cannot be retrospectively amended.
Applicants wishing to make applications for 2024 onwards should look to attend another masterclass or similar event in the future, closer to their application date.
For Face to Face Masterclasses attended in the 2021/2 academic year the offer reduction will equate to 16 UCAS points.
To account for the differences in engagement and delivery, for Virtual Masterclasses attended in the 2021/2 academic year the offer reduction will equate to 8 UCAS points.
The reduced UCAS points offer can only be applied to University of Cumbria courses linked to the masterclass attended. Please see the table below for clarification.
The reduced UCAS points offer can only be applied to level 4 undergraduate programmes at the University of Cumbria. This excludes any Integrated Foundation Years, Top Up programmes, CPD modules and programmes, or post-graduate study.
The UCAS points reduction will only be applied if the masterclass is attended prior to submitting an application for the degree programme through UCAS (allowing time for administrative processing of the attendance). Points cannot be redeemed retrospectively if you have already applied for one of the eligible courses at the University.
UCAS points will automatically be deducted from the top of the range upon application.
For example: University of Cumbria entry requirements for BSc (Hons) Psychology are 104-128 UCAS points. The standard offer would be at the top of the range, 128 UCAS points. Following attendance at a relevant Face to Face masterclass, an applicant would be made a reduced conditional offer of 112 UCAS points.
To receive the reduction in points, it is imperative that the applicant accurately completes all personal details requested at the end of the masterclass, or on registration for the event if being delivered virtually. If incorrect details are provided, the University of Cumbria will not make efforts to contact the attendee for corrected data, and the applicant may be ineligible to receive the reduced offer.
Attendees at Virtual Masterclasses must attend and engage with the session fully. Those who leave midway through or join significantly late will not be eligible to receive the reduced offer. The only exceptions to this are circumstances where an attendee has poor internet connection and drops out, this will not count against, as long as they return for the remainder of the session.
The UCAS points reduction cannot be redeemed at a different institution or against courses that are not listed in the terms and conditions.
Only one UCAS points deduction offer can be redeemed per course upon application - attending multiple masterclasses for the same degree programme will not result in the accumulation of points. If multiple events are attended the University will deduct the relevant points from any relevant course applied for. This UCAS points reduction cannot be applied in conjunction with any future Summer University offers for the same degree programme.
Applicants can only have reductions attached to their profile for a maximum of 2 Masterclass subject groupings
For example: A student attends a "Home-based Injury Prevention for Runners" Masterclass (Sport & Rehabilitative Sciences) in September 2021, then attends a "Observational Sketching" Masterclass (Art & Design suite) in November 2021. They will be eligible to receive the reduced points for either set of courses.
Scenario 1: If they go on to attend a "Group Leading" Masterclass (Working with Children and Families) in January 2022, this will over-ride the first one attended and they will no longer be eligible to receive a reduced offer for applications to Sport and Rehabilitative Sciences courses.
Scenario 2: Alternatively, if they attended "Youth Crime Prevention through Sports" Masterclass (Sports and Rehabilitative Sciences suite) in January 2022, this would NOT override the first event, as the subject groups do not conflict.
For events in 2021/2 and onwards, UCAS points reductions can only be applied to applications made in the year specified on registration for the event. If a registrant selects an option further than 2 years in the future (2024 or onwards), the reduction cannot be applied.
Where an applicant has attended both a virtual and a face to face Masterclass for the same subject grouping the higher points reduction will be applied.
For applicants not domiciled in the UK, attendance at a Masterclass will be used as contextual information and considered as part of an application.
Subject Groupings For Events Between September 2021 and August 2022
The following subject groupings reflect the related programmes to each set of masterclasses. As such, some groupings may appear to be more generous with the reduction of offers. Queries relating to these subject groupings should be directed to
The reduction does not apply to Integrated Foundation Years or postgraduate study for the below programmes.
Art & Design
BA (Hons) Fine Art
BA (Hons) Illustration
BA (Hons) Graphic Design
BA (Hons) Photography
BA (Hons) Business Management (all pathways)
BA (Hons) International Business Management
BSc (Hons) Project Management
BSc (Hons) Animal Conservation Science
BSc (Hons) Marine and Freshwater Conservation
BSc (Hons) Zoology
BA (Hons) Education Studies
BA (Hons) Primary Education (3-11) with QTS
BA (Hons) Primary Education (5-11): Inclusion with SEND with QTS
BA (Hons) Children and Young Peoples' Health and Wellbeing
BSc (Hons) Digital Youth Work
BA (Hons) Health and Social Care
Media Arts
BA (Hons) Film and Television
BA (Hons) Games Design
BA (Hons) Wildlife Media
BA (Hons) Adventure Tourism
BA (Hons) Outdoor Education
BA (Hons) Outdoor Leadership
Policing, Criminology and Psychology
BSc (Hons) Criminology (all pathways)
BSc (Hons) Professional Policing
BSc (Hons) Psychology
BSc (Hons) Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy
BSc (Hons) Security, Intelligence and Investigative Practice
Sport & Rehabilitative Sciences
BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy
BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
BA (Hons) Sport, Coaching and Physical Education
BSc (Hons) Sport Rehabilitation
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science
BSc (Hons) Forensic Science
BSc (Hons) Microbiology
Theatre and Performance
BA (Hons) Theatre and Performance
Terms and Conditions for Events Between September 2020 and August 2021
For virtual Masterclasses delivered in the year 2020/1, all registrants must give details of their year of intended study. The reduction will only be available on applications to begin in September of the stated year. (Accepted applications years: 2021, 2022). Any applications already made for September 2021 start cannot be retrospectively amended.
Applicants wishing to make applications for 2023 onwards should look to attend another masterclass or similar event in the future, closer to their application date.
Due to limitations with online delivery, for Virtual Masterclasses attended in the 2019/0 academic year the reduction in points will only be applicable to applications made for related courses for September 2021 starts. Any attendees who made an application for subsequent years will not receive the reduced offer for related courses. Any application for September 2020 start cannot be retrospectively amended.
The reduced UCAS points offer can only be applied to University of Cumbria courses linked to the masterclass attended. Please see the table below for clarification.
The reduced UCAS points offer can only be applied to level 4 undergraduate programmes at the University of Cumbria. This excludes any Integrated Foundation Years, Top Up programmes, CPD modules and programmes, or post-graduate study.
The UCAS points reduction will only be applied if the masterclass is attended prior to submitting an application for the degree programme through UCAS (allowing time for administrative processing of the attendance). Points cannot be redeemed retrospectively if you have already applied for one of the eligible courses at the University.
UCAS points will automatically be deducted from the top of the range upon application.
For example: University of Cumbria entry requirements for BSc Hons Applied Psychology are 104-120 UCAS points. The standard offer would be at the top of the range, 120 UCAS points. Following attendance at a relevant masterclass, an applicant would be made a reduced conditional offer of 104 UCAS points.
The standard reduction is 16 UCAS points. A specified number of masterclasses delivered in the year 2019/0 (shown in the table below) were eligible for an optional 24 UCAS point deduction. To receive the additional points, the applicant must have completed a reflective piece equivalent to approximately 1000 words after the masterclass and submit it to an academic for marking. Further details of this was provided at the affected masterclasses. This is not applicable to 2020/1 Masterclasses, whether virtual or in person.
To receive the reduction in points, it is imperative that the applicant accurately completes all personal details requested at the end of the masterclass, or on registration for the event if being delivered virtually. If incorrect details are provided, the University of Cumbria will not make efforts to contact the attendee for corrected data, and the applicant may be ineligible to receive the reduced offer.
Attendees at Virtual Masterclasses must attend and engage with the session fully. Those who leave midway through or join significantly late will not be eligible to receive the reduced offer. The only exceptions to this are circumstances where an attendee has poor internet connection and drops out, this will not count against, as long as they return for the remainder of the session.
The UCAS points reduction cannot be redeemed at a different institution or against courses that are not listed in the terms and conditions.
Only one UCAS points deduction offer can be redeemed per course upon application - attending multiple masterclasses for the same degree programme will not result in the accumulation of points. If multiple events are attended the University will deduct the relevant points from any relevant course applied for. This UCAS points reduction cannot be applied in conjunction with the Summer University offer for the same degree programme. If an applicant attends the Y12/13 Summer University in addition to a masterclass, the applicant would receive an offer based on the greatest reduction in points for the applicant.
Applicants can only have reductions attached to their profile for a maximum of 2 Masterclass subject groupings
For example: A student attends a "Home-based Injury Prevention for Runners" Masterclass (Sport & Rehabilitative Sciences) in September 2020, then attends a "Observational Sketching" Masterclass (Art & Design suite) in November 2020. They will be eligible to receive the reduced points for either set of courses.
Scenario 1: If they go on to attend a "Group Leading" Masterclass (Working with Children and Families) in January 2021, this will over-ride the first one attended and they will no longer be eligible to receive a reduced offer for applications to Sport and Rehabilitative Sciences courses.
Scenario 2: Alternatively, if they attended "Youth Crime Prevention through Sports" Masterclass (Sports and Rehabilitative Sciences suite) in January 2021, this would NOT override the first event, as the subject groups do not conflict.
For events in 2020/1 and onwards, UCAS points reductions can only be applied to applications made in the year specified on registration for the event. If a registrant selects an option further than 2 years in the future (2023 or onwards), the reduction cannot be applied.
For applicants not domiciled in the UK, attendance at a Masterclass will be used as contextual information and considered as part of an application.
Event Groupings and Related Courses for Events Between September 2020 and August 2021
Subject Groupings
Masterclass Titles
Art & Design
BA (Hons) Fine Art
BA (Hons) Illustration
BA (Hons) Graphic Design
BA (Hons) Photography
Observational Sketching
The New Portrait
What's Your Type?
Single Point Lighting Photography
BA (Hons) Business Management (all pathways, with and without sandwich year)
BA (Hons) Business, Accounting and Finance (with and without sandwich year)
BA (Hons) International Business Management (with and without sandwich year)
BSc (Hons) Project Management
Superhero Leadership: The power to change me and then the world
Was Machiavelli really saying evil is necessary for good?: Using and abusing power today, a leadership discussion
Conservation & Zoology
BSc (Hons) Animal Conservation Science (with and without sandwich year)
BSc (Hons) Marine and Freshwater Conservation (with and without sandwich year)
BSc (Hons) Zoology (with and without sandwich year)
Every Species Matters: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Resilience
Insects in a Changing Climate
Battle of the Beasts: Vertebrates vs Invertebrates
BA (Hons) Education Studies
BA (Hons) Primary Education (3-11) with QTS
BA (Hons) Primary Education (5-11): Inclusion with SEND with QTS
BA (Hons) Teaching and Learning
Role of Working Memory in Classroom Learning of Children
Fieldtrips in Teaching
What should contemporary primary education aim for? A philosophical exploration
BA (Hons) English Literature
BA (Hons) Creative Writing
Exploring the Social, Geographical and Cultural Contexts of Wuthering Heights
The Final Frontier: Truth and Nature in Death of a Salesman
Environmental Studies
BSc Geography
BSc Outdoor Adventure & Environmental studies
BSc Forest Management (with and without sandwich year)
FdSc Forestry
BSc Woodland Ecology and Conservation (with and without sandwich year)
Dealing with the 'Wicked' Problem of Climate Change
Storytelling for Environmental Justice
Health & Social Care
BSc (Hons) Health & Social Care
Ethics, Values and Principles in Health and Social Care
Media, Manipulation and Misrepresentation of the Law
Criminal Examination
Media Arts
BA (Hons) Film and Television
BA (Hons) Games Design
BA (Hons) Wildlife Media
An Introduction to Wildlife Photography
An Introductions to Wildlife Documentary Filmmaking
How to Pitch a Television Programme from Idea to Broadcast
An Introductions to Documentary Filmmaking
Using a Classic Shot List
Wildlife Tracking, Identification and Recording
Games Asset Pipeline
Multi Camera in Film, Television and Live Events
BA (Hons) Adventure Tourism
BA (Hons) Outdoor Education
BA (Hons) Outdoor Leadership
Controversial Issues in Outdoor Studies
Tumblehome – Some stories and lessons learnt from a journey home
Policing, Criminological and Psychological Studies
BSc (Hons) Applied Psychology
BSc (Hons) Criminology (all pathways)
BSc (Hons) Professional Policing
BSc (Hons) Psychology
BSc (Hons) Security, Intelligence and Investigative Practice
The Psychology of Gender and Sexuality
Understanding Behaviour that Challenges When Working with Children
In Cold Blood? An Exploration of the Psychology of Violent Behaviour
Technology and Child Development: Friend or Foe?
The Teenage Brain
How can we encourage good mental health and wellbeing at university?
The Psychology of Studying: Exploring Evidence-Based Study Techniques
Gangs and Violence: From the Peaky Blinders to The Krays and Beyond
Covid, Communities and Criminology
Lockdown and Domestic Abuse: exploring the impact of extended periods of enforced lockdowns on domestic abuse/violence victims.
Combatting Terrorism
Investigating serious crime
Digital Investigations
Spinning the Wheel - Police Decision Making
An Expert Witness - Police Officer witness statements
Sport and Rehabilitative Sciences
BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy
BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching and Physical Education
BSc (Hons) Sport Rehabilitation
Home-based Injury Prevention for Runners
Youth Crime Prevention Through Sports
Sport and Health - An Obvious Alliance
Where's Yoda When You Need Him? A Quick Guide to the Role and Value of Mentoring from a Community Coaching Perspective
Developing Young People in Sport: What do we need to know?
Offender Rehabilitation - Occupational Therapy in Prison Settings
Doing, Being and Becoming an Occupational Therapist
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science
BSc (Hons) Forensic Science
BSc (Hons) Microbiology
Microbiology - Why Microbes Matter
The Application of Spectrophotometry to Forensic and Biomedical Sciences
Secrets in the Blood - Diagnosing Disease
Theatre & Performance
BA (Hons) Theatre and Performance
Using Vocal Technique and Text Delivery to support Acting Through Song for Musical Theatre and Classical Art Song
Working with Children & Families
BA (Hons) Working with Children and Families
Group Leading with Children, Young People and Families
Do you want to change the world? You can!
Let's go on a Bear Hunt!
Have I Got News For You
Round The Clock: Day In The Life
Terms and Conditions September 2022 to August 2023
For Masterclasses delivered in the year 2022/3, all registrants must give details of their year of intended study. The reduction will only be available on applications to begin in September of the stated year. (Accepted applications years: 2023, 2024). Any applications already made for September 2023 start cannot be retrospectively amended.
For events in 2022/3 and onwards, UCAS points reductions can only be applied to applications made in the year specified on registration for the event. If a registrant selects an option further than 2 years in the future (2025 or onwards), the reduction cannot be applied.
Applicants wishing to make applications for 2025 onwards should look to attend another masterclass or similar event in the future, closer to their application date.
For Face to Face Masterclasses attended in the 2022/3 academic year the offer reduction will equate to 16 UCAS points.
To account for the differences in engagement and delivery, for Virtual Masterclasses attended in the 2022/3 academic year the offer reduction will equate to 8 UCAS points.
The reduced UCAS points offer can only be applied to University of Cumbria courses linked to the masterclass attended. Please see the table below for clarification.
The reduced UCAS points offer can only be applied to level 4 undergraduate programmes at the University of Cumbria. This excludes any Integrated Foundation Years, Apprenticeships or Closed Cohort applications, Top Up programmes, CPD modules and programmes, or postgraduate study.
The UCAS points reduction will only be applied if the masterclass is attended prior to submitting an application for the degree programme through UCAS (allowing time for administrative processing of the attendance). Points cannot be redeemed retrospectively if you have already applied for one of the eligible courses at the University.
UCAS points will automatically be deducted from the top of the range upon application.
For example: University of Cumbria entry requirements for BSc (Hons) Psychology are 104-128 UCAS points. The standard offer would be at the top of the range, 128 UCAS points. Following attendance at a relevant Face to Face masterclass, an applicant would be made a reduced conditional offer of 112 UCAS points.
To receive the reduction in points, it is imperative that the applicant accurately completes all personal details requested at the end of the masterclass, or on registration for the event if being delivered virtually. If incorrect details are provided, the University of Cumbria will not make efforts to contact the attendee for corrected data, and the applicant may be ineligible to receive the reduced offer.
Attendees at Virtual Masterclasses must attend and engage with the session fully. Those who leave midway through or join significantly late will not be eligible to receive the reduced offer. The only exceptions to this are circumstances where an attendee has poor internet connection and drops out, this will not count against, as long as they return for the remainder of the session.
The UCAS points reduction cannot be redeemed at a different institution or against courses that are not listed in the terms and conditions.
Only one UCAS points deduction offer can be redeemed per course upon application - attending multiple masterclasses for the same degree programme will not result in the accumulation of points. If multiple events are attended the University will deduct the relevant points from any relevant course applied for. This UCAS points reduction cannot be applied in conjunction with any future Summer University offers for the same degree programme.
Applicants can only have reductions attached to their profile for a maximum of 2 Masterclass subject groupings
For example: A student attends a "Home-based Injury Prevention for Runners" Masterclass (Sport & Rehabilitative Sciences) in September 2021, then attends a "Secrets in the Blood" Masterclass (STEM suite) in November 2022. They will be eligible to receive the reduced points for either set of courses.
Scenario 1: If they go on to attend a "Group Leading" Masterclass (Health & Social Care suite) in January 2023, this will over-ride the first one attended and they will no longer be eligible to receive a reduced offer for applications to Sport and Rehabilitative Sciences courses.
Scenario 2: Alternatively, if they attended "Youth Crime Prevention through Sports" Masterclass (Sports and Rehabilitative Sciences) in January 2023, this would NOT override the first event, as the subject groups do not conflict.
Where an applicant has attended both a virtual and a face to face Masterclass for the same subject grouping the higher points reduction will be applied.
For applicants not domiciled in the UK, attendance at a Masterclass will be used as contextual information and considered as part of an application.
Terms and Conditions September 2023 to August 2024
For Masterclasses delivered in the year 2023/4, all registrants must give details of their year of intended study. The reduction will only be available on applications to begin in September of the stated year. (Accepted applications years: 2024, 2025). Any applications already made for September 2024 start cannot be retrospectively amended.
For events in 2023/4 and onwards, UCAS points reductions can only be applied to applications made in the year specified on registration for the event. If a registrant selects an option further than 2 years in the future (2025 or onwards), the reduction cannot be applied.
Applicants wishing to make applications for 2026 onwards should look to attend another masterclass or similar event in the future, closer to their application date.
For Face to Face Masterclasses attended in the 2023/4 academic year the offer reduction will equate to 16 UCAS points.
To account for the differences in engagement and delivery, for Virtual Masterclasses attended in the 2022/3 academic year the offer reduction will equate to 8 UCAS points.
The reduced UCAS points offer can only be applied to University of Cumbria courses linked to the masterclass attended. Please see the table below for clarification.
The reduced UCAS points offer can only be applied to level 4 undergraduate programmes at the University of Cumbria. This excludes any Integrated Foundation Years, Apprenticeships or Closed Cohort applications, Top Up programmes, CPD modules and programmes, or postgraduate study.
The UCAS points reduction will only be applied if the masterclass is attended prior to submitting an application for the degree programme through UCAS (allowing time for administrative processing of the attendance). Points cannot be redeemed retrospectively if you have already applied for one of the eligible courses at the University.
UCAS points will automatically be deducted from the top of the range upon application.
For example: University of Cumbria entry requirements for BSc (Hons) Psychology are 104-128 UCAS points. The standard offer would be at the top of the range, 128 UCAS points. Following attendance at a relevant Face to Face masterclass, an applicant would be made a reduced conditional offer of 112 UCAS points.
To receive the reduction in points, it is imperative that the applicant accurately completes all personal details requested at the end of the masterclass, or on registration for the event if being delivered virtually. If incorrect details are provided, the University of Cumbria will not make efforts to contact the attendee for corrected data, and the applicant may be ineligible to receive the reduced offer.
Attendees at Virtual Masterclasses must attend and engage with the session fully. Those who leave midway through or join significantly late will not be eligible to receive the reduced offer. The only exceptions to this are circumstances where an attendee has poor internet connection and drops out, this will not count against, as long as they return for the remainder of the session.
The UCAS points reduction cannot be redeemed at a different institution or against courses that are not listed in the terms and conditions.
Only one UCAS points deduction offer can be redeemed per course upon application - attending multiple masterclasses for the same degree programme will not result in the accumulation of points. If multiple events are attended the University will deduct the relevant points from any relevant course applied for. This UCAS points reduction cannot be applied in conjunction with any future Summer University offers for the same degree programme.
Applicants can only have reductions attached to their profile for a maximum of 2 Masterclass subject groupings
For example: A student attends a "Home-based Injury Prevention for Runners" Masterclass (Sport & Rehabilitative Sciences) in September 2023, then attends a "Secrets in the Blood" Masterclass (STEM suite) in November 2023. They will be eligible to receive the reduced points for either set of courses.
Scenario 1: If they go on to attend a "Group Leading" Masterclass (Health & Social Care suite) in January 2023, this will over-ride the first one attended and they will no longer be eligible to receive a reduced offer for applications to Sport and Rehabilitative Sciences courses.
Scenario 2: Alternatively, if they attended "Youth Crime Prevention through Sports" Masterclass (Sports and Rehabilitative Sciences) in January 2024, this would NOT override the first event, as the subject groups do not conflict.
Where an applicant has attended both a virtual and a face to face Masterclass for the same subject grouping the higher points reduction will be applied.
For applicants not domiciled in the UK, attendance at a Masterclass will be used as contextual information and considered as part of an application.