In September 2022, the University of Cumbria (UoC), Ambleside Campus will see the arrival of the first cohort of degree apprentices. The Apprenticeship has been developed in partnership with the Forestry Commission (FC), who will be providing blended learning alongside staff from the National School of Forestry at UoC. This unique programme of study has been validated by the Institute of Chartered Foresters who also had extensive input in its creation, thus, providing a new sector developed and delivered programme. Apprentices will have an intensive 3-year plan of study, which will be delivered at various locations, including Cannock Chase Forest Training Centre and our Carlisle Campus, to maximise their access to appropriate resources. Additional staff have been recruited, both at the UoC and the FC, to assist with the delivery of the programme and we will welcome around 30 apprentices at the beginning of September 2022 with the first cohort coming from the FC, the National Trust and the Woodland Trust. It is anticipated that this number will dramatically expand in Sepember 2023.
Enquiries: Please email Mark Tomlinson
Image: Students visiting a Caledonian Forest. Image credit: Mark Tomlinson
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