Jennie Underwood, Doctoral Researcher
This new research investigates the use and implications of AI and robotics in the service sector, primarily hospitality, with consideration to how these technologies may impact this people-focused industry. This includes exploring the social and psychological impacts within the industry, consequences for customers, and positive and negative outcomes for the socio-economic and environmental elements of the visitor economy.
The project includes mixed methods research to explore the application, implication, and perceived consequences of these technologies to understand potential changes in human behaviour, working with businesses in the service sector to help gain these insights.
The exponential growth in technology requires evaluation of its influence on human behaviour in the industry to be able to mitigate challenges, for businesses to thrive while incorporating new ways of working.
Supervisors: Tim Heap and Dr Demos Parapanos
Thesis title: The impact of AI and robotics in the visitor economy: exploring to what extent technology influences and affects the interpersonal nature of the industry.
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