Regenerative Farming and Net Zero - Mapping the Evidence

Regenerative Farming and Net Zero - Mapping the Evidence

Dr Richard Francksen, Senior Lecturer at Unviersity of Cumbria, is leading a research team in regenerative agriculture, funded by the Agri-Food for Net Zero Network. The researchers are collating and analysing the evidence for regenerative farming, focusing on carbon storage and agricultural yield. Project outputs will include a searchable database of evidence, an open-access scientific paper and a set of policy briefs summarising the project findings aimed at farmers, farm advisors, policy makers and researchers. The team anticipate that, by communicating their findings, they will inform farm economics and support the transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions in our food system. 

Further details: see this blog post.

Funder: Agri-food for Net Zero network

Contact:  Dr Richard Francksen, University of Cumbria

Image. Dr Richard Francsken, fourth from right, and research team. 

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