Keep informed on everything happening at CRED! These pages are updated regularly to make sure you get all the information on events, publications, advice, speakers and research being undertaken.
October 2017
In this month’s column in the In Cumbria magazine Frank Peck examined the significance of the logistics sector for Cumbria. Copy of article: In Cumbria October 17
Keith Jackson was interviewed by BBC Radio Cumbria on the changing face of advent calendars.
Keith Jackson delivered a joint workshop on “The challenges for place based innovation” with Hannah Stewart (Royal College of Art) at the Association for University Research and Industry Links (AURIL) conference in Bristol.
Frank Peck was appointed by the EU Research Executive Agency to act as Independent Expert Evaluator for calls for new proposals under Horizon 2020 – Societal Challenge.
September 2017
In this month’s column in the In Cumbria magazine Frank Peck assessed the economic significance of the food sector for the economy of Cumbria. Copy of article: In Cumbria September 17
In this month’s Revive and Thrive Place online magazine, Keith Jackson discussed inclusive place making.
Keith Jackson was interviewed by BBC Radio Cumbria on when Christmas starts for the retail sector.
CRED has been appointed by Copeland Borough Council to conduct a Review of the Copeland Work & Skills Partnership Programme Development.
Keith Jackson presented a joint paper with Jacqui Jackson (Thomas Jardine & Co) entitled “Carlisle food, family and place: it’s complicated. Inclusive place making considering business as actors in local communities”at the Institute of Place Managements International Conference held in Manchester.
August 2017
Issue 307 of Regions, the quarterly magazine of the Regional Studies Association, edited by members of CRED, was published. It included the first of two Regional Surveys looking at coastal resilience and sustainability. The Research Notes section featured an article on the regional responses to demographic and economic change that have occurred in New Zealand and Australia over the last 30 years. A very useful synopsis of the academic literature and analysis to date on the possible impacts of BREXIT on different sectors and regions of the UK is provided in the In Depth section of the magazine.
In this month’s column in the In Cumbria magazine, Frank Peck explored the role of the public sector in providing services for people, but also as an economic driver in the economy of Cumbria. Copy of article : In Cumbria August 17
In this month’s Revive and Thrive Place online magazine, Keith Jackson considered place identity and responsibility.
In this month’s Revive and Thrive Place online magazine, Keith Jackson also discussed the merits of a place investing in its future.
July 2017
In this month’s column in the In Cumbria magazine, Frank Peck examined the skills agenda in relation to the Skills Plan developed by Cumbria LEP. Copy of article : In Cumbria July 17
Frank Peck delivered a keynote paper at the University of Cumbria’s Research and Innovation Conference. His theme focused on the implications of BREXIT for the future of regional policy in the UK.
The format for the University of Cumbria’s Research and Innovation Conference was different this year to that seen in the past, with contributors presenting a 3-minute synopsis of their current research. Those in the audience then elected to participate with the author in more in-depth discussion of the topic which interested them most. Gail Mulvey presented the findings of the research that she recently conducted jointly with Keith Jackson on the topic of Makerspaces.
June 2017
In this month’s column in the In Cumbria magazine Frank Peck discussed the value of migrants to the Cumbrian Economy. Copy of article : In Cumbria June 17
Frank Peck and Gail Mulvey delivered a paper entitled “The implications of BREXIT for economic development and devolved governance in Cumbria, the North East of England and the Scottish Borders at the Regional Studies Association Annual European Conference in Dublin.
In this month’s Revive and Thrive Place online magazine, Keith Jackson posed the question “What does your high street make?”
Frank Peck was interviewed by the Cumberland News on the future of the Cumbrian economy and the significance of the development of Carlisle Airport.
Frank Peck was a guest speaker at the “Inspiring Business Growth” event held at the Banqueting Suite at Lancaster Town Hall where he offered an insight into the economy of Lancaster and south Cumbria and the potential impacts and opportunities of Brexit.
May 2017
In this month’s In Cumbria, Frank Peck discussed how place interacts with industrial policy. Copy of article : In Cumbria May 17
Frank Peck and Gail Mulvey presented a joint paper with researchers from Northumbria university and Heriot-Watt University on “The Implications of Brexit for Economic development and Devolved Governance in Cumbria, the North east of England and the Scottish Borders” at the Regional Studies Associations conference in Dublin.
In this month’s Revive and Thrive Place Magazine, Keith Jackson reflected on how local family businesses create a sense of place.
April 2017
In this month's In Cumbria, Frank Peck considered place based policy post BREXIT. Copy of article: in Cumbria Apr 17
In this month's Revive and Thrive Place Magazine, Keith Jackson discussed the various impacts local business owners can have on their local communities.
March 2017
CRED hosted an ESRC-funded event entitled “The implications of Brexit for Economic development in the North East and Cumbria.” It is the first of three such events being held as part of the “UK in a Changing Europe Initiative” by the universities of Cumbria, Heriot Watt and Northumbria. Youtube clip available
Copies of the presentations from the morning of the conference are now available:
David Bailey (Aston Business School) BREXIT, the UK Auto Industry & Industrial Policy
Mark Shucksmith (Newcastle University) BREXIT: Issues for the Rural North of England
Graham Haywood (Cumbria LEP) BREXIT & the Cumbrian Economy
John Shutt (Leeds Beckett University) ...will devolution & BREXIT deliver? Implications for leadership
Issue 305 of the Regional Studies Association’s Members’ Magazine was published. It contained a Regional Survey on the topic of Contemporary Migration in Europe. There was also an examination of the factors that condition the successful implementation of cohesion policy in the EU. A Research Note also analysed transnational cooperation used to stimulate regional development in the Alpine Border region of Bavaria-Austria.
Frank Peck was interviewed by both BBC Radio Cumbria and ITV Border news on the BREXIT process and its implications for the region.
Frank Peck was interviewed by BBC Radio Cumbria on the impact of the March budget.
In this month’s In Cumbria, Frank Peck considered the Government’s national industrial strategy and the focus on creation of the right institutions to bring sectors together. Copy of article: In Cumbria Mar 17
In this month’s Revive and Thrive Place online magazine, Keith Jackson discussed the potential impacts that local businesses can have on their locality.
Keith Jackson was interviewed by both BBC Radio Cumbria and ITV Border on the upcoming Local Food Show.
February 2017
In this month’s In Cumbria, Frank Peck considered how Brexit could affect the pattern of trade in the region. Copy of article: In Cumbria Feb 17
In this month’s Revive and Thrive Place online magazine, Keith Jackson considered what is meant by ‘local’.
CRED were appointed by the Royal College of Arts to critically evaluate the Future Makerspaces in Redistributed Manufacturing project via the use of three case studies.
Keith Jackson was interviewed by Carlisle Evening News on the upcoming Local Food Show.
CRED were appointed by CN Group to conduct a series of focus groups.
January 2017
CRED is working with Northumbria University and Herriot-Watt University on a series of ESRC-funded events focusing on the Impacts of Brexit on the economies of the North East of England and Cumbria. The first event looking at “BREXIT and the Border” will be held on 10th March at the University of Cumbria’s Learning Gateway in Carlisle. Places are still available, see details here.
As part of the University of Cumbria’s flood research group, Gail Mulvey supported the launching of a questionnaire to assess the impact of the floods of December 2015 on households, businesses and communities.
Frank Peck was appointed by the Lake District National Park Authority to provide an independent review of the Economic Policies that underpin the Local Plan.
The CN Group commissioned CRED to assist with a consumer research project.
In this months In Cumbria magazine, Frank Peck reviewed 2016 and looked forward to 2017. Copy of article: In Cumbria Jan 17
Frank Peck was interviewed by both BBC Radio Cumbria and CFM radio on the Brexit process and the possible cross-border implications of Brexit.
In this month’s Revive and Thrive Place online magazine, Keith Jackson considered the connection between local food and place.
CRED has been appointed by Future Makespaces in Redistributed Manufacturing to conduct a series of case studies on the community impact of Makerspaces .
Keith Jackson has joined the advisory board of Revive & Thrive, an organization that provides a national network connecting people, places and businesses so that they can work together to make their places better.
December 2016
Issue 304 of Regions, the members’ quarterly publication of the Regional Studies Association, has been received by members. This issue looked at the great variety of place-based deals in regional development across the world. Views on the implications of Brexit for different parts of the United Kingdom were also discussed.
In this month’s In Cumbria magazine, Frank Peck considered the potential impact of new road investment in Cumbria. Copy of article: In Cumbria Dec16
November 2016
In this month’s In Cumbria magazine, Frank Peck comments on sector employment numbers and job growth in the County. Copy of article: In Cumbria Nov 16
Keith Jackson was interviewed by Carlisle Evening News on the effect of Black Friday on the UK retail sector.
October 2016
Keith Jackson had an article published on food matters and the local food supply chain in this month’s Carlisle Living.
On behalf of the University, Keith Jackson has started work with Ivention and Carlisle City Council to organise the Local Food Show, an event to celebrate the local food sect
September 2016
In this month’s In Cumbria magazine, Frank Peck comments on the post-BREXIT short-term impacts on consumer spending. Retail sales for July showed surprising buoyancy with year on year increases in spending. Copy of article: In Cumbria Sep 16
Frank Peck was invited to speak at the Welsh Labour Market Summit hosted by Bangor University. Discussions included comment on the parallels that can be drawn between the labour market impacts of “Energy Island” on Anglesey and West Cumbria’s “Energy Coast”.
Frank Peck was a keynote speaker at an economic development conference hosted by Dalian Nationalities University in China. The theme of the event focused on the implications of the call for a “One Belt, One Road” Strategy that seeks to develop inter-regional linkages along the route of the historic “Silk Road” through Asia into Europe.
As part of a joint ESRC-funded project with Newcastle Business School and Herriot Watt University, CRED will be organising a one-day conference on “The implications of Brexit for economic development and devolved governance in the North of England.” The first in a series of three events and likely to attract much interest, this will take place in Carlisle early in 2017.
Frank Peck was appointed as advisor to the EU-Funded European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) based in Budapest. Frank joined a panel of experts appointed to advise EIT on the development of Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) across Europe.
August 2016
Issue 303 of Regions, the quarterly magazine of the Regional Studies Association, edited by members of CRED, was published. It included a series of articles on the topic of “Inclusive urbanisation” illustrated with examples from the UK and Brazil. There was also an analysis of income and inequality changes that have occurred in Greece as a result of the economic crisis that has hit the country.
Frank Peck’s monthly column in In Cumbria discussed the immediate post-BREXIT impacts on the local economy under the headline “It feels like business as usual”. Copy of article: in Cumbria Aug 16
Keith Jackson was interviewed by Carlisle’s Evening News on the latest retail figures and retail trends in Carlisle.
July 2016
In this month’s In Cumbria, Frank Peck considers some of the implications of BREXIT for regional policy and funding for regional development across the UK. Copy of article : In Cumbria Jul 16
June 2016
As part of the HEIF-funded project entitled “Understanding the Local Economy,” CRED staged two half-day workshops to local councillors and Carlisle City Council officers: “The Local Economy: Leaky Bucket or Cog in a Machine?” and “Local Economic Strategy: Turning Evidence into Action.”
Keith Jackson sat on the Carlisle Partnership Executive Meeting as the representative for Carlisle Food City.
May 2016
The seventh seminar for this year’s CRED series was presented by David McGuinness, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University, who spoke on “National planning policy and issues of housing land supply from a Northern perspective: Can a ‘one size fits all’ approach work?”
Frank Peck’s monthly column in In Cumbria looked at the Skills Agenda in Cumbria.
As part of a retail seminar series jointly organised by the University’s Enterprise team and Keith Jackson; Cathy Parker from the Institute of Place Management based in Manchester delivered a talk on “Power of Place: How to win and lose footfall post-internet.”
The food map identifying local food producers in a 50-mile radius of Carlisle which is part of the HEIF-funded support for Carlisle Food City was posted live onto the Carlisle City Partnership website.
April 2016
The sixth seminar in this year’s CRED Seminar series was presented by Dr Peter O’Brien, Research Associate, Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS), Newcastle University, who spoke on “Deal or No Deal? The Governance of Infrastructure Investment in the UK.”
Frank Peck delivered the findings of the “Copeland Work & Skills Programme Development” program to the Copeland Executive.
Frank Peck’s monthly column in In Cumbria looked at Business Innovation in Cumbria: and how well the County is doing. Click for article:In Cumbria Apr 16
Keith Jackson was interviewed by the Evening News in Carlisle on the cashless society effect on retail.
Frank Peck was interviewed by the Evening News in Carlisle on the possible effect of Scottish elections on Carlisle.
Keith Jackson was interviewed by the Evening News in Carlisle on the launch of Totally Locally Carlisle.
Keith Jackson sat on the steering group of the Food Advanced Manufacturing Centre at Carlisle College.
As part of a retail seminar series jointly organised by the University’s Enterprise team and Keith Jackson; Chris Sands and Marc Briand from Totally Locally an organisation set up to encourage the use of local services delivered a talk on “Building Town centre Resilience.”
March 2016
The fifth seminar for this year’s CRED series was presented by Prof. Robin Smith, who spoke on “Devolution in England? Problems and Prospects.”
Issue 302of Regions, the quarterly magazine of the Regional Studies Association, has been published. It contains a Regional Survey that examines the theme of Varieties of Leadership in Urban and Regional Development. In addition, there is an article looking at the resilience of bergamot farming in the Reggio Calabria province of Italy and also an article detailing research and innovation priorities for Ireland. Of great interest at this time, is our Comment & Debate which is on the subject of the Brexit vote for the UK. This considers the regional arguments (North East England, the Midlands, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales) for and against the UK leaving the EU.
February 2016
The fourth seminar for this year’s CRED series was presented by Dr. Darja Reuschke, Lecturer, University of St Andrews who spoke on “Home-based businesses in regional development?”
Frank Peck was interviewed by the Evening News in Carlisle on the EU referendum and the Northern Powerhouse.
Frank Peck attended the Cumbria Flood Partnership meeting.
January 2016
The third seminar in this year’s CRED Seminar series was presented by Prof. Phil Leigh, of University of Chester who spoke on “Irish Sea Rim: A new paradigm for regional growth, integration and collaboration.”
Frank Peck presented the findings from ‘Cognitive Cumbria’ to cognitive Cumbria Partnership.
Keith Jackson was interviewed by the Evening News on the effect of Primark coming to Carlisle.
Frank Peck was interviewed by the Editor of Carlisle Living on the impact of the floods on Carlisle.
Keith Jackson was interviewed by the Evening News in Carlisle on the changing shopping habits of food consumers.
CRED was awarded HEIF Catalyst money to develop a business engagement tool that allows the development of a ‘local business guild’ which will support the ongoing work of Carlisle Food City a partnership of public sector, private sector and third sector organisations with an interest in local food issues.
December 2015
The second seminar for this year’s CRED series was presented by Dr. Borut Roncevic from the School of Advanced Social Studies (Nova Gorica, Slovenia), who spoke on “Social Topography of Innovations”.
Issue 300 of Regions, the members’ publication of the Regional Studies Association, has been received by members. This is a themed issue on “Sustainability Transitions in Cities and Regions”.