Staff within the Centre for Regional Economic Development regularly contribute towards academic outputs of various types.

Books and Journals

Peck, F. and Mulvey, G. (2017)Cross-border collaboration in economic development: Institutional change on the Anglo-Scottish Border,” Journal of Borderland Studies, forthcoming

Jackson, K.; Kerr, S.; Dobson, C; Greenwood A. & Tate J (2016) "Cumbria Book and High Street Retailing" article published in British Library Management and Business School Portal

Jackson, K. (2015) ‘Entrepreneurship, innovation and business clusters’International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research pp146-148

Peck, F.; Connolly, S.; Durnin, J. and Jackson, K. “Prospects for 'place-based' industrial policy in England: The role of Local Enterprise Partnerships” Local Economy, The journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit (2013) published online August 27

Peck F.; Parry S.; Mulvey G.; Jackson K.; Cabras I. and Jackson J (2013) ‘The role and significance of rates relief for supporting businesses in Wales.’ Environment and Planning C. Small Business rates relief report.

Cabras I. and Mulvey G.C. (2012) 'Nuclear Economies and Local Supply Chains in Peripheral Areas: the case of West Cumbria,' European Planning Studies, 20(4), pp. 707-724

Peck F. and Cabras I. (2011) 'Public Procurement and Regional Development: The Impact of Local Authority Expenditure on Local Economies' Public Policy and Administration Vol 26; pp. 307-331

Peck F., Bell F. and Black L. (2010) Addressing the Skills Gap in Regeneration and Economic Development in Cumbria, Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal.

Peck F. and Cabras I. (2010) Public Procurement and Regional Development: The Impact of Local Authority Expenditure on Local Economies' Public Policy and Administration.

Peck, F. and Cabras I. (2009) Off-shoring in the Contact Centre Industry and Employment in the North West of England, The Service Industries Journal Vol.29 n.1-2.

Peck, F. and Cabras I. (2009) Impacts of Agglomeration on Call Centre Operations: Evidence from North West England, Regional Studies Vol 43 n.7.

Cabras I. (2009) Agglomeration of Services at Regional Level: the Case of Call Centres in the North West England, Proceedings of the 1st PhD Conference in Economics, in Memory of Vassilis Patsatzis, Tipothito-Giorgos Dardanos (ed.)

CRED has many more publications. If you would like access to them please get in touch.

Conference Papers

Mulvey, G., Cabras, I., Danson, M., Peck, F. & Shaw, K. (2017) "The Implication of Brexit for economic Development and devolved Governance in Cumbria, the North East of England and the Scottish Borders" Regional Studies Association (RSA) Annual Conference,  4-7 June, Dublin, Eire.

Jackson, K & Jackson, J. (2017) "Carlisle food , family and place: it's complicated. Inclusive place making considering business as actors in local communities" Institute of Place Management (IPM) Conference , 7-8 September, Manchester.

Stewart, H. & Jackson, K. (2017) "The challenges for place based innovation" association for University Research and Industry Links (AURIL) Conference, 5-6 October, Bristol.

Peck, F. (2016) "SMEs in the Nuclear Supply Chain in Cumbria"  presented to the Wales Labour Market Summit II: Comparing policy interventions to challenge ‘business as usual’. Bangor University, 14th September.

Peck, F. (2016) “Innovation and regions: the role of proximities in the knowledge economy” Keynote to the International Conference on International Collaboration from the perspective of the One Belt One Road Initiative, Dalian Nationalities University, China, 24-25 September

Jackson, K. and Jackson, J. (2016) “Local Food Supply Chain: what is it and how do we help?” Research and Enterprise Fest, University of Cumbria- Lancaster, 8th July.

Peck, F., Mulvey, G. and Jackson, K. (2016) “Collaboration with clients in the research process: Experience in regional development,” Research and Enterprise Fest, University of Cumbria- Lancaster, 8th July.

Jackson, K., Peck, F. and Mulvey, G. (2015) “Regulations: Friend or Foe?: Regulation and Growth-Oriented Small Businesses,” Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference, Glasgow, 11-12th  November.

Mulvey, G. (2015) “Regional resilience and collective action: the response of local state actors to the needs of rural enterprise in crisis” at the “Leading Wellbeing” Research Festival organised by the Brathay Trust and the University of Cumbria’s Institute for Leadership and Sustainability , 16-18 July Ambleside.

Peck, F. (2015) “Leadership and sustainability in the knowledge economy: what difference does place make?” at the Institute for Leadership and Sustainability (IFLAS) Conference 16-18 July Ambleside.

Jackson, K. & Jackson, J. (2015) “Sustaining local family food business: leadership without authority” at the Institute for Leadership and Sustainability (IFLAS) Conference 16-18 July Ambleside.

Mulvey, G. (2015) “Institutional change on the Anglo-Scottish border and the impacts for economic development and cross-border collaboration” at the Regional Studies Association’s (RSA) International Conference, 25-28 May, Piacenza, Italy.

Peck, F. and Roncevic, B. (2015) “Regional competitiveness as social process: institutions, social networks and cognitive frames” at the Regional Studies Association’s (RSA) International Conference, 25-28 May, Piacenza, Italy.

Jackson, K. and Berry, J. (2014)“Peer-to-Peer Learning: Adding Value Through Commitment?” at the Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference, Manchester 11-12 November

Jackson, K.; Jackson, J. and Hopkinson, G. (2013)”Exit, voice, loyalty: a supplier’s perspective” at the British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference Liverpool 10-12 September

Jackson, K. & Jackson, J. (2012) “Uncovering the hidden value of networks: the complexity of small retailers relationships” at the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference Cardiff 12-13 November

Jackson K (2012) "Relationships causing good disloyalty and bad disloyalty in the Convenience Retail Supply Chain: A Qualitative Study" at the British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference Cardiff 11-13 September

Jackson K and McGarrie B (2012) "Loyal or not Loyal: a Study of SME Retailers in the Modern Supply Chain" at the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference Dublin 7-8 November

Peck F, Mulvey G and Jackson K (2012) "Knowledge dynamics and competitive strategies in the nuclear industry supply chain in West Cumbria, northwest England" presented to RSA International Conference on "Sustaining Regional Futures", Beijing, China, 24-27 June

Jackson, K and Woodruffe-Burton H (2011) "Variations in supplier relations operating within voluntary groups; historical perspectives on relationships and social justice in the independent retail sector." 27th Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Conference, Glasgow.31 August – 3 September

Peck F, Mulvey G, Jackson K, Cabras I, Parry S & Jackson J (2011) "The Impacts and Significance of Rates Relief for Business Support in Wales" Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference (ISBE) Sheffield 9-10 November

Jackson, K & Woodruffe-Burton H (2011) Variations in supplier relations operating within voluntary groups; historical perspectives on relationships and social justice in the independent retail sector." at the 27th Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group Conference, Glasgow.31 August – 3 September

Peck F., Mulvey G. & Jackson K (2011) 'The Impacts and Significance of Rates Relief for business support in Wales.' Research and Scholarship Fest, University of Cumbria- Lancaster 8 July

Jackson K. (2011) 'What do you want from a relationship? Retailer perspective of B2B relationships in the convenience Sector in the UK.' Research and Scholarship Fest, University of Cumbria- Lancaster 8 July

Parry S. and Jackson K. (2010) "Small Business rates in the UK: a Comparative Review."  Institue of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, London 2nd-4th December

Peck F. and Mulvey G. (2010) “Regional Economic Resilience: A useful concept for Cumbria?”, Research and Scholarship Fest, University of Cumbria – Lancaster, 9 July

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