Associate Scholars and Visiting Lecturers
The Institute collaborates with individuals who are established in their fields as reflective practitioners and who seek to help IFLAS develop its activities on areas of mutual interest. Some of these are contracted to provide lecturing and tutoring on an ongoing basis.
David Bent, MSc, is Deputy Director of Forum for the Future, working with companies on sustainable business models. He works with IFLAS in offering a short course on sustainable innovation.
Tim Sims is an experienced coach, facilitator, consultant and trainer with all levels of leadership and management in the public, private and voluntary sectors. Through Fiona Reed Associates, Peter works with IFLAS on the MBA residentials.
Jonathan Bowyer is an experienced facilitator, trainer and coach, specialising in the impact of principles and values on management and leadership behaviour and organisational development. Through Fiona Reed Associates, Jonathan works with IFLAS on the MBA residentials.
Ian Doyle is a Senior Associate with Lifeworth Consulting, specialising in advising and educating managers on Corporate Social Responsibility. In 2013 Ian worked with Professor Bendell in writing the book Healing Capitalism, and in delivering workshops on Giving Voice to Values, at Impact International’s Learnfest.
Anne Ellersiek is former Research Fellow with the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development. She is working with Professor Bendell on a book on the accountability and effectiveness of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in creating social transformations.
Sharon Jackson, MSc, is Director of the European Sustainability Academy, a leadership centre in Greece. In 2013 Sharon taught on IFLAS short courses on community currencies, and she co-wrote two projects for submission to the European Commission.
Richard Little is a Senior Consultant with Impact International, the global organisational development specialists based in Ambleside. In 2013 he advised on a range of business development issues at IFLAS, and taught a module that is adopted onto the Post Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Leadership. He serves on the Advisory Board and is a judge for the Sustainable Leader Scholarships for funded places on the PGC in Sustainable Leadership.
Richard Lemmey, MA, is an experienced educator, using experiential learning and the outdoors for professional development. Richard works with IFLAS on our Masters-level programmes.
John Rogers, PGCE, is a Senior Associate with Community Forge, specialising in education on local currency and exchange systems, based in Germany. In 2013 John spoke at the local launch of IFLAS and taught on our short courses on complementary currencies.
Paul Rose is Vice President of The Royal Geographical Society (RGS), expedition leader and BBC presenter, raising awareness of environmental challenges. In 2013 he helped devise and host the launch at the RGS.
Will Ruddick, MS Physics, is the co-founder of Koru Kenya and the Bangla Pesa local currency, near Mombasa, Kenya. In 2013 Will worked with Professor Bendell on a conference paper on complementary currencies, and in media work, for instance with Al Jazeera television. His work is profiled in this report (see “A Courageous Case Study in Kenya”).
Dr. Cornis Van der Lugt, MBA, is a former Coordinator of the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) work on corporate social responsibility, and a Senior Research Fellow at Stellenbosch University Business School, South Africa. In recent years he was a contributing author to the UNEP Green Economy Report as well as the TEEB for Business report (Natural Capital Coalition)