Health and Society Knowledge Exchange

Health and Society Knowledge Exchange


Tom Grimwood and Laura Snell


Brief description

Health and Society Knowledge Exchange (HASKE), based within the Institute of Health at the University of Cumbria, is an established provider of commissioned research, evaluation and knowledge exchange in the broad health, society, and social care domains.


What we do

Our team offers a range of services including:

  • Evaluation
  • Research
  • Consultancy
  • Advice
  • Training

We always work with our commissioners to deliver a bespoke service that meets their specific research and evaluation needs. Get in touch with our team to discuss your needs and how we can work together:


Our expertise

The HASKE team is led by Professor Tom Grimwood and Dr Laura Snell. They draw on an array of talent and expertise from their academic colleagues across the Institute of Health and the wider University.  HASKE also maintains a bank of research fellows and research assistants with a broad range of experience and skills.

HASKE’s work has covered a wide range of health and social care topics, with particular strengths in integrated care, maternity services and culture, interfaces between third sector and primary and secondary care, and health education and training. Our team of researchers have extensive professional experience in fields including social work, philosophy, disability studies, education, psychology, nursing, counselling and more.

The HASKE team has experience of working with NHS trusts, local authorities, governmental departments, European funders, community groups, and third sector organisations.


Our projects

Here are some examples of our recent evaluation and research projects:


Our publications

Here are some recent academic journal articles about HASKE’s work:



To discuss any evaluation needs or to find out more about HASKE, contact


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