Health and Society Knowledge Exchange
HASKE is an established provider of commissioned research, evaluation and knowledge exchange in the broad health, society and social care domains.Health and Society Knowledge Exchange (HASKE), at the University of Cumbria, is an established research and evaluation unit, which will deliver a range of evaluation and knowledge exchange activities.
Our team of researchers have extensive professional experience in fields including nursing, social work, occupational therapy, sport and physical activity and community development. The senior team leading HASKE has experience of working with NHS trusts, local authorities, governmental departments, European funders, community groups and third sector organisations.
If you are interested in joining us at a HASKE event then please check the upcoming events listed here
HASKE has also developed a range of bespoke accredited training modules, which focus on the conceptual and practical skills necessary for those wishing to undertake robust, ethical and meaningful evaluations of their own.
HASKE can also run a number of short, non-accredited courses around embedding evaluation culture within organisations.
The HASKE team also offers:
- Advice
- Consultancy
- Evaluability Assessment
- Dissemination
- Facilitation
To discuss any evaluation needs, or to find out more about the HASKE services and training, contact:
An evaluation is not the same as an audit and it is not focussed upon what an organisation, or project, might be doing wrong, in fact, it could be about organisational, or project, strengths and successes. It could also be concerned with identifying best practice and lessons learned from activities in order to promote these and roll them out further. Some organisations wish to evaluate to improve, or extend their service, some may be required to evaluate by a funding body.
Evaluations are often used to examine programmes or interventions in order to determine whether they have met their objectives.
HASKE can also work with an organisation to deliver Evaluability Assessments (EA) which is conducted prior to an evaluation. An EA usually takes the form of an overarching investigation of an intervention/programme to identify whether it can meet its intended outcomes. In conducting an EA the HASKE team would set out the logic of a programme, which would include the identification of objectives and activities, and assess the likelihood of the programme’s success. The process could also recommend changes to the programme in order to improve the likelihood of a successful outcome.
If your organisation is considering whether to commission an evaluation, it can be useful at the outset, to consider why you wish to commission this piece of work. It could be:
- To meet a funder requirement
- Provide evidence to support future funding applications
- To understand how an intervention has benefitted a client population
- To learn lessons
- To identify best practice
Understanding this will help your organisation articulate your needs to the HASKE team.
Dr Tom Grimwood – Academic Lead
Vicki Goodwin – Business Lead
To discuss any evaluation needs, or to find out more about the HASKE services and training, contact Victoria Goodwin.
A list of our most recent projects
To discuss any evaluation needs, or to find out more about the HASKE services and training, contact Victoria Goodwin.
Primary & Emergency Care Innovation HENW (April 2017)
Better Care Together – 12 Month report (Oct 2017)
Better Care Together – Emerging Findings (May 2018)
CLIC Clinical Nursing Skills
Better Care Together – Final Report (Oct 2018)
Medical Assistant – Final Report (April 2017)
Relevant Evaluations
HASKE delivers evaluations that are tailored to client needs, intellectually robust and practice-relevant. The senior team in HASKE works with potential clients to understand the needs and purposes of the evaluation, and draws in expertise from the wider team of researchers, as required.
Team members are happy to discuss evaluation options with clients and, in addition to full evaluations the HASKE team also offers advice, consultancy, evaluability assessment, dissemination and facilitation.

HASKE offers a bespoke training programme of short modules designed to allow students to engage with either, or both, quantitative and qualitative approaches to evaluation. The modules range from introductions to the evaluation process, to advanced training in specific methods and techniques. This training can be offered to individuals on one of our university campuses, or as a bespoke training package to organisations
To discuss any evaluation needs, or to find out more about the HASKE services and training, contact Victoria Goodwin.

Recent Projects
Our most recent projects include:
- Community health initiatives
- Leadership training in the caring professions
- Cross-profession interaction in health and social care
- Mental health improvement programmes in schools
- Professional training and development programmes
- Service delivery in health and social care
- Policy change and implementation in organisations
See a list of our current and past projects by clicking the button below.