Theorising the New Partnership Landscape
APTE and TEAN working together towards effective partnership
This event in March 2013 sought to build on the 2012 successful collaboration between TEAN, the Teacher Education Advancement Network, and APTE, the Association for Partnership in Teacher Education where we had looked at ‘Lenses of Partnership’. Now we looked to advance the conceptualisation of partnership in teacher education. How are new partnerships being co-constructed? How are systems being effectively brought together? What challenges are arising from new partnerships? How are these challenges to be met? The event brought an opportunity to deepen understanding of what partnership actually means, to reflect on what has been achieved and to move forward to what needs to be done next. TEAN would like to thank d’Reen Struthers, Roehampton University, a member of the APTE committee, for the inspiration for the day and her invaluable help both before and on the day itself.
To set the scene for the day, APTE and TEAN were indebted to: Dr Mel Rose, Head at Ben Jonson Primary, part of the London East Teacher Training Alliance (letta); and Jacquie Smith, Associate Headteacher at Lampton School, a DfE outstanding academy and teaching school in the London West Alliance. Our school colleagues set the scene for the day giving cameos of their partnership arrangements with the University of Cumbria and Roehampton University, respectively. Mel talked of exciting times for partnership - growing relationships with universities, developing the highest quality training together, shaping the next generation of outstanding teachers – and went on to show us actual portraits of some of those teachers. Jacquie spoke of the new challenges we all face. Where do we all fit in? We cannot go alone, she advised, there is a real need to collaborate. Trust between universities and schools is paramount; building relationships, working together, defining responsibilities.