In this sectionYou are here:TEAN Event Reports Innovations in ITEEmotional demandsLet's talk about Behaviour ManagementLet’s talk about embedding SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) in primary school children's educationTEAN Event Reports homeSharing Ideas Scholarly PapersTEAN Event Reports Innovations in ITE Emotional demands Let's talk about Behaviour Management Let’s talk about embedding SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) in primary school children's education Sharing Ideas homeTeachers and Educators Storehouse ArchiveAssessmentCreativityDiversity and InclusionMasters Route Teacher ProfessionalismPartnershipsSharing Ideas Scholarly Papers TEAN Event Reports Teacher Education Across the UKTEAN ConferenceMotivating LearningPrimary CurriculumReflective PracticeStudent Teacher PerspectivesSupporting Student and Beginning TeachersTeaching: a Masters ProfessionTeachers and Educators Storehouse homeTEAN Teachers and Educators Storehouse Archive Assessment Creativity Diversity and Inclusion Masters Route Teacher Professionalism Partnerships Sharing Ideas Teacher Education Across the UK TEAN Conference Motivating Learning Primary Curriculum Reflective Practice Student Teacher Perspectives Supporting Student and Beginning Teachers Teaching: a Masters Profession TEAN homeResearch REF 2021The Graduate SchoolBusiness ServicesFunded PhD opportunitiesEventsResearch SupportCentres and GroupsPhD Case studiesCurrent research studentsResearch repositoryResearch Ethics and IntegrityREF 2029Research Spotlight PodcastsResearch homeHome TEAN Event Reports TEAN event reports from Autumn 2016 onwards can be found here.