3rd TEAN conference 2012 – Creating Effective Teachers
Sponsored by the Higher Education Academy
The third TEAN conference took place at Conference Aston, Birmingham on May 18 2012. Our third conference considered the theme of ‘Creating effective teachers’, a subject which lies at the heart of what we do and concerns policy makers, teachers, teacher educators, student teachers, and most importantly, the children and young people in the present and future generations of the world. TEAN was very pleased to welcome delegates from a wide range of institutions from Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England. We also welcomed colleagues from the Lifelong Learning Sectors and a colleague hailing from Hazara University, Pakistan and hope to encourage others from the international scene in future years. We can learn so much by sharing our experience, challenges and solutions; a theme echoed in the keynote address. There were also a number of students attending this year which was great to see; hopefully this can continue and build in the future.
TEAN was delighted that Dr. Samantha Twiselton, the Dean of Education at the University of Cumbria, opened the conference this year. Dr. Twiselton welcomed delegates to this third conference and spoke of the importance of such a gathering in the challenging times facing Teacher Education at present.