TEAN commendation for effective practice in teacher education
This was our second year of the commendation award. Many thanks to all who sent in entries. We again received some excellent ideas for effective practice. Following the anonymous review process, the winning entry was a joint submission as follows:
Duncan Reavey and Linda Cooper, University of Chichester
Title of their entry: WANTED! AGENTS OF CHANGE!
They have received the TEAN plaque for effective practice. The entry from Duncan and Linda can be accessed here.
TEAN Commendation 2017
The commendation awards will be back for next year, so do consider ‘giving it a go’ for 2018.
Chris WInch keynote
The opening keynote address of the conference was given by Professor Chris Winch from King’s College, London. To encourage us to ‘think deeply about teacher education’ Chris’s theme was: Apprenticeship to Teaching? Problems and Possibilities. In a highly though-provoking address Chris took us from 19th century teacher education to a possible future vision of teacher education. He explored the Dual System in Germany and looked at three conceptions of the teacher - Craftworker, Executive technician and Professional – and investigated why an apprenticeship model for early career teachers would be worthwhile.
Chris Winch’s PowerPoint presentation can be accessed here
Chris WInch
Biographical notes for Chris Winch
Christopher Winch is Professor of Educational Philosophy and Policy in the School of Education, Communication and Society at King’s College, London. He has worked in primary, further and higher education for over forty years. He taught Civics at the Thomas Danby College of Further Education, Leeds; he was a primary school teacher in Leeds and the West Riding, was responsible for Language and Literacy programmes at the University of Northampton and now teaches mainly in the areas of Education Management, Educational Leadership and Teacher Development. He has published numerous books and articles on various aspects of education, including the nature of teaching as an occupation
(see http://www.kcl.ac.uk/sspp/departments/education/people/academic/winchc.aspx.)
His new book ‘Teachers’ Know How’ has now been published by Wiley in the first half of 2017.
Katharine Burn Keynote
For our second keynote address on May 12th, TEAN welcomed Dr Katharine Burn from the University of Oxford. Katharine asked us whether ‘Deep thinking’ was ‘pie in the sky?’ She, like Chris, gave us plenty of food for thought and answered the question of her title by a further question: ‘How can [teaching] not require deep thought!'
Katharine Burn’s PowerPoint presentation can be accessed here:
Katharine Burn
Biographical notes for Katharine Burn
Katharine Burn is Director of the Oxford Education Deanery, a partnership between the University of Oxford and local state-maintained schools that encompasses initial teacher education, continuing professional learning and research collaboration. Her research has included longitudinal study of beginning teachers' professional learning, comparative study of the structures and underlying principles of ITE programmes intended to support the integration of knowledge from different sources and specific exploration of the ways in which ITE programmes can support student teachers' learning about emergent and potentially controversial aspects of practice. As co-editor of the subject-specific professional journal, Teaching History, she also seeks to support forms of professional discourse that bring together teachers, academics (i.e. historians) and educational researchers.
Abstract Book
After the keynotes on each day, delegates were treated to a wide range of presentations – a veritable feast of teacher education! Many thanks to all presenters for the time they gave in preparing their presentations to help create a successful conference. If you would like any of the presentation material used, please contact alison.jackson@cumbria.ac.uk to check on its availability.
The Abstract Book from the Conference is available here
2017 Abstract Book
Becoming a Teacher Educator
The two publications from the the workshops are available here:
Becoming a teacher educator: guidelines for induction - Guidelines for Induction
Being a school-based teacher educator: developing pedagogy and identity in facilitating work-based higher education in a professional field - Pete Boyd and Jon Tibke, (2012) Practitioner Research in Higher Education Vol 6 (2), 45 - 57