Discover the Institute of Science & Environment
Through the University’s Institute of Science and Environment and Centre for National Parks and Protected Areas, our environmental research is grounded in the sciences and social sciences, and applied through community level partnerships and real-world stakeholders, enabling understanding of key global challenges. Our research utilises the unique location of the Ambleside campus in the heart of the English Lake District (a UNESCO World Heritage Site).
Research Themes
Wildlife Conservation
Landscapes and Ecology
Human-Nature Relations
Cultural Landscapes
Visitor Economy
11% of our research outputs are ‘world leading’ (4*) and 30% are ‘internationally excellent’ (3*)
75% of our research impact is ‘internationally excellent’ (3*)
12.5% of our research environment is ‘internationally excellent’ (3*)
Impact Case Studies
Impact of our research is vital. We want to ensure that our research has significance in the real world, beyond academia, and is of regional and international relevance. The location of the Centre for National Parks and Protected Areas in Ambleside offers a unique opportunity to contextualise the rationale for protected landscape designations, and to examine their intended outcomes, governance and conflict, benefits, and environmental accounting. This enables us to work in partnership with the DEFRA family, the Lake District National Park Authority, and other national parks, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, landowners, businesses, schools, and communities.
Two ‘impact case studies’ were submitted to REF2021, with details below.
Professor Ian Convery's research on rewilding, reintroductions and public engagement has shaped global policy and local conservation programmes.
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Professor Volker Deecke has worked to conserve marine mammals and their habitat by improving understanding of behaviours and the effect of noise pollution.
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Our Staff
Dr Simon Carr, PhD
Associate Professor in Geography, Institute of Science and Environment
Professor Ian Convery, PhD
Professor of Environment and Society, Institute of Science and Environment
Dr Volker Deecke, PhD
Associate Professor in Wildlife Conservation, Institute of Science and Environment
Dr Alex Dittrich, PhD
Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader for Zoology, Institute of Science and Environment
Dr Claire Holt, PhD
Research and Teaching Associate in Forestry and Conservation, Programme Leader MSc Ecosystem Systems Evaluation
Dr Andrew Leslie, PhD
Senior Lecturer, Institute of Science and Environment
Professor Lois Mansfield, PhD
Professor of Upland Landscapes, and Director of Ambleside Campus
Dr Alexander Poynter, PhD
Lecturer in Life Science and Conservation