Discover the Institute of Health
The University’s Institute of Health and Centre for Research in Health and Society focuses on having positive societal impacts, aims to inform policy, and is underpinned by a shared vision of alleviating social and health inequalities. Drawing on a legacy of allied health research at St Martins College in Lancaster (1964-2007), the university’s research excellence includes health and social sciences alongside distinct areas grounded in its teaching and research in allied health professions and medical sciences.
Our research represents three overarching research areas.
Research Areas
Applied Health (Themes: Digital Health, Medical Imaging)
Applied Social Science (Themes: Healthy Relationships, Trauma, Society, Culture and Behaviour)
Health and Society Knowledge Exchange (Research and Evaluation Commissions)
4% of our research outputs are ‘world leading’ (4*) and 18% are ‘internationally excellent’ (3*)
50% of our research impact is ‘internationally excellent’ (3*)
12.5% of our research environment is ‘internationally excellent’ (3*)
Impact Case Studies
Underpinned by the university’s strategic intent to “contribute to the social, cultural and economic well-being and prosperity of our communities”, our research ensures that impact is integral. We have worked with NHS Trust’s on implementation of telehealth initiatives; housing providers on measuring impact on young people; the College of Radiographers on readiness and resilience in graduate radiographers; and the Northern Cancer Alliance on improved diagnosis and awareness raising.
Two ‘impact case studies’ were submitted to REF2021, with details below.
Professor Alison Marshall and Dr Elaine Bidmead have undertaken research leading to adoption of remote medicine (telehealth) and improved patient access to specialist services.
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Dr Elizabeth Bates research on men's experiences of domestic violence has improved support for victims, lead to enhanced services, and raised awareness.
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Our Staff
Dr Elizabeth Bates, PhD
Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Institute of Health
Dr Elaine Bidmead, PhD
NIHR NENC ARC Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Research in Health & Society (CRiHS)
Dr Tom Grimwood, PhD
Associate Professor in Social Philosophy Head of Graduate School Co-Lead, HASKE
Charlotte Hardacre
Lecturer, Institute of Health
Philippa Laskey
Lecturer, Institute of Health
Dr Susan Wilbraham, PhD
Senior Lecturer in Applied Psychology, Institute of Health
Dr Paul K. Miller, PhD
Associate Professor of Social Psychology, Institute of Health
Professor Kaz Stuart, PhD
Honorary Professor, Centre for Research in Health and Society
Our Staff Continued
Vicki Goodwin - Development Manager & Business Lead for HASCE Carlisle | Dr Julie Taylor, PhD - Principal Lecturer | |
Professor Alison Marshall, PhD - Professor of Innovation & Entrepreneurship | Nicolette Policek - Associate Professor |