Sports Injury Clinics
Do you suffer from pain, an injury, niggle or are you struggling to get back to full fitness? Why not book into one of our injury assessment and treatment clinics.
Choose from our Carlisle-based private clinic; operated by UoC Sports Rehabilitation Graduate, Martyn at Phoenix Sports Injury, or one of our Lancaster-based student clinics, supervised by UoC academics.
We will take a comprehensive injury history, conduct a full assessment and start the process of recovery with initial treatment and exercise. Following sessions will include a tailored injury rehabilitation programme to help you alleviate pain and build back to full fitness all within one location under the supervision of our expert staff.
Our Sport Rehabilitation students have trained to undertake injury assessments, many current and research guided treatment techniques as well as exercise prescription and full programme planning.
Phoenix Sports Injury Clinic
Located within Carlisle Sports Centre on our Fusehill Street Campus, Phoenix Sports Injury Clinic has worked in partnership with UoC Active since it's conception in 2017. As a Graduate Sports Rehabilitator, the clinic's owner, Martyn Crowe is fully qualified to provide pain, fitness and injury consultations, treat conditions through the use of sports massage, manual therapy, electrotherapy and exercise prescription, as well as providing comprehensive rehab programmes, guidance and coaching from early-stage care, through to full return to sport protocols.
To find out more, please visit Phoenix Sports Injury Clinic or email enquiries@phoenixsportsinjury.co.uk
You can also find and contact the clinic on Facebook and Instagram @phoenixsportsinjuryclinic
Student-led Injury Clinic
Help yourself get back to full fitness at a fraction of the cost with the University of Cumbria Student Clinics. All students are supervised by a member of our academic team so there is always a helping hand to ensure safe and effective practice.
Our clinic is open to the public, recreational athletes, and teams and all Staff including friends and family are welcome. Appointments are available at 17:10, 18:00 and 18:50pm running every Thursday during semester periods. Appointments cost just £15 for 45-minutes and is a good option for those needing more than the massage offered in our Wednesday staff clinic.
To book, please use our Online Store. For further information please contact us sportsinjuryclinic@cumbria.ac.uk