Tell us a little about yourself.
I’ve been Lecturer in Secondary PGCE Art and Design since September 2023. I’ve taught Art and Design schools for over 12 years, as well as running Cumbria Art Educators and being involved in national and local artist and art education networks as well as being Chair of Tullie’s Community Board 2020-2024. In 2014 I received a Masters in Fine Art and Education, looking at digital networks and printmaking as a way of re-connecting with people globally. In 2017, I set up Linden Print Studio, a small open-access studio for artists to come and use specialist print facilities.
What research area do you specialise in?
I’m particularly interested in how art education can challenge disadvantage, both for individuals and communities. It can bring people together and create foci for conversations about our shared values. In 2024 I was Highly Commended by the National Society for Education in Art and Design for the Learning Innovations Award.
What modules do you teach and what is your favourite part of these?
I teach on the Secondary PGCE Art and Design Subject Studies module and my favourite part is seeing trainees grow in confidence over the course of the year.
What makes your course different?
We always try to have a trip to a city, I organise mock interviews with Heads of Art, I bring in visiting speakers about alternative art education and specialist subjects. I invite in ex-trainees from previous cohorts to speak about employment and to give advice about making a success of being an Early Career Teacher.
What advice would you give to students considering studying on this course?
Do your research, visit schools, speak to teachers and most importantly, continue as artists, making art and thinking about how art makes the world a better place.
What’s your favourite thing about teaching at Cumbria?
The wonderful facilities at the Bowerham Road Campus and the technical staff are excellent. I have really enjoyed working with colleagues in Education and feel well supported by them to do the best job I can!
And, finally...
Can you tell us an interesting fact about yourself?
Being part-Chinese, I’m allergic to alcohol, but I’m cool with that.