Class of 2014

Class of 2014
Jason Hettrick started a degree in Business Management in order to progress his career, but found he wasn’t happy with his experience at another institution.
Thanks to a chance meeting with Amanda Chapman, senior leader at our Business School, Jason decided to transfer to the University of Cumbria where he soon found himself enjoying his course.
“The course has been both interesting and challenging. If I had to pick out one thing that really stand outs; it would be the academic staff. The lecturers are approachable, friendly and are always there to help.”
Jason received many opportunities to put his newfound skills into practice. “I took on a summer internship that was offered to me between my 2nd and 3rd year. The experience I gained was invaluable. I have also taken part in various volunteering projects offered by the university.”
The course has been both interesting and challenging. The lecturers are approachable, friendly and are always there to help.
Jason’s biggest advice for new starters? “Read, read and then read some more. In my first year I didn’t set enough time aside to complete/undertake further reading. Although I did this in my later years, I wish I had started sooner. It is such a big part of your course and development.”
He won’t have to wait long to put his new skills to the test, having managed to line up a job before finishing his degree. “I really believe that UoC have helped with this – the teaching and development that is embedded into the courses hear put you in a great position to succeed once your course has finished.”