Class of 2015

Class of 2015
Eloise's main motivation for becoming a nurse was her little brother.
"My little brother has Downs Syndrome so this was always my main driver. I had seen professionals work with him and I knew I wanted to do something similar," she explained. "And I am so glad I did!"
She chose to come to the University of Cumbria because it was close to home. "It was one of the few universities that do the learning disability branch of nursing, and it meant that I would get experience from placements in Cumbria which is where I hope to work in the future."
I absolutely love placement and I am always excited to get back out there. I have been lucky in that I've had some amazing placements that have given me fantastic opportunities. The best will be my elective placement in June/July when I go to Australia to work with people with learning disabilities. I am very excited about that!
When we asked her how coming to university changed her life, she said, "I've had my eyes opened to the world really. I am so much more aware of what goes on in health services and what I can do to make a difference. I have become a stronger and more knowledgeable person."