Nursing student Fay proud to win excellence prize
Final year adult nursing student Fay Codona is the proud recipient of an Ede and Ravenscroft prize for excellence, worth £750.
Fay (23), from Carlisle, qualifies as a nurse at the University of Cumbria at the end of this academic year and has already been snapped up by a local GP surgery to be a practice nurse, looking after the varied nursing needs of their patients.
However, Fay is perhaps not typical of many young men and women who decide they want to nurse from an early age. She originally studied for a degree in English Literature and was in her third year when her grandmother was taken seriously ill and sadly passed away.
Fay spent a lot of time in hospital with her grandmother during this time and later, when she reflected on the experience and brought to mind the dedication and care of the staff involved, she began to realise that nursing was her true vocation, and subsequently resolved to train for the profession.
Indeed, Fay was so motivated that she has turned out to be a model student, and her excellent results placed her highest in her year across all pre-registration nursing programmes at the University of Cumbria and led to the award of the prize.
Fay says: “When I first heard I’d won the prize I was shocked, as it was completely unexpected! Now that it’s sunk in though, I’m extremely pleased and very proud of what I’ve achieved.”
Fay will take up her new post in late summer.
Ede and Ravenscroft are London’s oldest tailors and ceremonial dress suppliers, and have supplied academic gowns for the university’s graduation ceremonies since the university was launched in 2007.
Image shows LtoR, adult nursing programme leader, Jeanne Landon-Campbell, Fay Codona, and Dr Louise Nelson, HoD for health and professional practice
Nursing student Fay proud to win excellence prize