During the course, I enjoyed the variety of placement settings and experiences, and this informed my choice on where I eventually chose to apply for a job upon graduating. I felt supported by the lecturing team on placement and knew that they were close by if I had any questions, I also had exceptional and experienced educators.

I am grateful to the lecturing staff for their clinical experience and how they used this in their teaching. They inspired in me, a passion for the profession and an awareness of how occupational therapy can bring about positive change for our clients no matter their diagnosis. I am also grateful to the lecturers for their encouragement in my application for the Royal College of Occupational

Therapy’s internship for practice and public affairs. During the internship, I was able to learn about how as occupational therapists, we can target and change policy for our clients from the top of policy/services all the way down. I also learnt about the current landscape for our profession and what challenges occupational therapists are facing in services.

My role now: I now work as an occupational therapist on a male acute mental health ward in Cumbria. I am privileged to learn about what is important to our service users and how they live their lives. I look at building their confidence and routines to re-enter the community successfully upon discharge. Outside of my clinical role, I am also a trustee of a local mountain rescue team

where I ensure governance of the team, maintain systems to monitor the team’s wellbeing and mental health as well as delivering training to the team on diversity, inclusion and mental health.

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