Patience applied to the University of Cumbria through Clearing. Below, she tells us about her Clearing experience and what she’s enjoyed most about her first year at university.
Why did you apply to university through Clearing?
I originally wanted to study Midwifery, and that is what I initially applied for via UCAS. However, I wasn’t successful at my interviews and didn’t receive any offers. After applying through Clearing, I’m now studying Children’s Nursing and I think it was meant to be - I’m enjoying it a lot. Plus, I’m still pursuing my passion of working with children.
Did you know what Clearing was before you applied?
Although some of the teachers at college talked about Clearing, I didn’t know a lot about how it worked. However, I did know that it was an option for students who hadn’t been accepted into university and that it was based on spaces that universities had available for certain courses.
The lady I spoke to over the phone took my details and GCSE grades and told me to call back when I got my results from college, which I did. After that, an interview was set up. I got the news that I was successful the day after results day.
How was your Clearing experience at Cumbria?
I won’t lie, it was pretty easy. I called the hotline in July and asked if there were any spaces left for Midwifery. The advisor I spoke to explained that I didn’t meet the entry requirements due to the subjects I studied in college, so I asked what other courses were available. Children’s Nursing was one of the options recommended to me, so I decided to go for it.
The lady I spoke to over the phone took my details and GCSE grades and told me to call back when I got my results from college, which I did. After that, an interview was set up. I got the news that I was successful on 19 August – the day after results day.
Would you recommend applying through Clearing?
I would definitely recommend applying through Clearing! I nearly gave up after my original UCAS application was rejected; I thought I would probably take a gap year and build up my experience in healthcare, but when I learned more about the Clearing process, I decided it was worth exploring my options.
Calling up different universities to see if they had spaces was a little nerve-wracking, but with some perseverance and the help and support of the advisor at Cumbria, I was able to find an alternative course that suited me better.
Do you have any advice for other students?
The advice I would give to anyone applying through Clearing is to keep going and not give up like I nearly did. If you don’t get the results you need, go to the Clearing section on UCAS, type in the courses you are interested in and see if there are spaces available.
Grab a piece of paper and a pen and write down the numbers for the universities you’d like to apply for. It can be stressful if you are unsuccessful at first, but keep going because anything can happen. Make sure you have a break too as it can take a while to find the right university and course.
How did you find applying for accommodation at Cumbria?
It was really easy - I was sent an application form after I was accepted to study here. I also went to the accommodation page on the website to see what the rooms and flats were like so I could decide if I wanted to stay in halls or apply for private accommodation. In the end, I chose to stay in halls because it was cheaper than the private options.
What do you enjoy most about studying at Cumbria?
The thing I enjoy the most about my course is the placement side because I like to learn visually. You get to be involved in what is going on and see what working in healthcare is actually like. You’re building your skills and knowledge as well as gaining the experience needed to be successful in finishing the course.
What I like most about the University of Cumbria is the amount of guidance and support that is given. Lecturers hold Q&As about assignments so students can ask questions if they are confused or unsure about anything. I also like how close the accommodation is to campus, so it’s only a short walk to my lectures.
You can hear more about Patience’s personal experiences and insights as a BSc (Hons) Children's Nursing student here.
Explore your options in Clearing
Applying to university through Clearing is a great way to explore new opportunities and find the perfect course for you. Visit our Clearing page to discover the wide range of courses we have available.