Meet Charlie, a first-year Law student! Here, Charlie shares why he chose to study his course, his favourite part of university life so far, and his top tips for applying to our LLB (Hons) Law course.

Why did you choose to study your course – what or who inspired you? 

I’m in my first year studying Law at the University of Cumbria. I wouldn’t particularly say that there’s one key factor as to why I chose to study Law, but it does stem from an innate desire to help people, to get justice for others, and to offer ideas and resolutions. I would say that watching it in practice also solidified my want to study law; for example, on TV, seeing actual court cases etc.

Why did you choose the University of Cumbria over other universities?

My college had an open day in which the University of Cumbria attended. I spoke to the team and the university really appealed to me as it offered smaller classes. With that, you don’t become just a face in the crowd, you can actually get to know your tutors well and it feels more personal.

Looking at other universities, the idea that I would be in a lecture with lots of people was daunting, and I enjoy being in smaller groups. Plus, when we visited the University of Cumbria, it looked smaller, and as Carlisle isn’t a massive town, it’s relatively accessible to get to most areas via walking, which makes general student life so much easier.

Charlie Hooper , Student Story Image

How have you found your placement(s)? Where was your placement, and what was it like?

I would like to become a solicitor advocate after university, and I have gained work experience already. I have worked in a Magistrates Court for a day, where I shadowed legal advisers, court clerks and the usher and watched cases happen in the court room. I am also doing a course with His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service, where I go to a select number of high schools near me and talk to students about law and where a career can take them. In return, I will get work experience in the courts over the summer. And at the time of writing this, I have also applied and been accepted to work for the Citizens Advice Bureau, and I will begin this when I come back to university in my second term.

All of this has happened within the first semester of my first year at university! The university has massively helped me; as well as the support from my tutors, the Careers team helped me build a professional CV.

What challenges have you faced and how have you overcome them?

Whilst at university, I have been through some personal issues, and when I spoke to my personal tutor, she was kind and comforting, which massively helped me. She helped me with assignment extensions, told the other tutors about what was going on (at my request) and everyone has been really kind about it. Sometimes if I miss something or don’t have time to do some preparation, they don’t mind - all they ask is that I participate in the best way possible.

It also gives me confidence for the future as if I ever need anything, I know they’re always there.

How have your tutors supported you during your studies?

Everything is so simple and clear. I had expected there to be so much Latin and French phrases that I would need to understand and learn quickly, but I have three modules per term and I am in university three days a week, which means I have time to complete assignments, seminar preparation and pre-lesson preparation.

Also, when you first come to the university, during fresher's week, they explain everything thoroughly and talk to everyone individually to help overcome any nervousness or just answer questions in general. My personal tutor also has regular meetings with me - she checks in on me (via email and in-person meetings) and we discuss everything that’s going on (both personally and in university). The tutors are so helpful and nice to us all.

How is university life beyond your studies? 

It is amazing. I have done so many things which I only thought happened in films. We have had so many parties, both hosted and attended. My accommodation is the Denton Holme Student Village and it is such a nice area. There are several shops nearby, which is very useful. And the nightlife is unbelievable. All the clubs, pubs and bars are about a 10-minute walk away from my house and everything is amazing. They have student nights, cheap drinks and stay open till the early hours of the morning.

The events that go on in Carlisle are amazing, too! On Bonfire Night, they host an event in one of the parks in town (around 15 minutes away from my house) and it is incredible. It’s the biggest event of the year and everyone gets involved. When I went to it, the park was flooded with people and it was an amazing night. Same with Halloween - I went out with some friends and almost everyone was dressed up. It was such an incredible place and time of the year.

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What would be your top tips for people thinking of doing the same course as you?

Don’t underestimate the course, it can be difficult, but what you put in is exactly what you get out of it. Even though I am going to be working for the Citizens Advice Bureau, it took me several phone calls, emails and interviews to secure the position.

Always do your best and have a go at everything that the university has to offer.

Finally, I would say, when progressing through university, try and think ‘how can I make myself stand out from others in my class and other students from other universities?’. I was told that a First Class degree is very common for law students to attain at graduation, but legal work experience is what will truly set you apart from other candidates.

What are your plans for the future, and how is your course preparing you for your potential career?

I am keeping myself very open, occupationally speaking. There is no clear path with Law. I have changed my mind several times regarding careers, so I just want to get a sense of lots of different areas of Law and occupations and then try and decide afterwards what I want to do.

What’s been the highlight of your time at university so far? (This could be related to your course or student life)

My highlight of university so far is hard to pin down. There was Halloween, Bonfire Night and just having fun altogether. But I would say that my favourite is a competition I am doing on my course. It is called the ‘Client Interviewing Competition’. I am doing it with one of my best friends here at university and we have made it through to the finals! I am so glad that we have taken part in it. Essentially, we role play as solicitors in a meeting with a client and have to be as realistic as possible, take notes of their story, give advice etc. It is so fun.

But none of it could be achieved without the close-knit circle of friends that I have formed at the university. These are friends for life, and it is such an elating feeling to know that we are all in this together and they’re always there if I need them.

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Is there anything else that you’d like to add? 

My key advice for anyone going to university would be to get involved with everything. Never limit yourself and always try and have a go at everything.

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