Ruth, a career changer, shares how working as a Teaching Assistant inspired her to train to teach. Ruth discusses how she found her love for teaching and passion for Outdoor Education, what she enjoys most about the PGCE course, and her plans for the future.
Firstly, could you tell us about your background before you decided to go into teaching?
I studied Geography for my Undergraduate degree, during which I completed a placement year at an Outdoor Centre in the Lake District. I led, and supported with, adventurous outdoor activities such as ghyll scrambling and canoeing, and taught Primary and Secondary school groups educational topics including habitats, rivers and mountains. After finishing university I worked as a Teaching Assistant across a range of Primary Schools. Some of these included being a one-to-one Teaching Assistant, others involved more general responsibilities.
Why did you choose to go into teaching?
I had been considering teaching for a while and was fortunate to have had prior experience working in Primary Schools. I met many hard-working, dedicated teachers who inspired and encouraged me. A change in life circumstances gave me the opportunity and confidence to apply for a place on the January PGCE course.
Why did you choose the University of Cumbria?
The University of Cumbria is well known for its vocational courses. I attended a PGCE open evening and was impressed with the course, staff and university itself. Having worked in the Lake District and lived in Lancaster I was keen to move back up to the area. I have a good network of friends in Lancaster thanks to my church and have now come to consider Lancaster as my home.
What do you enjoy most about your course?
It’s fair to say that there’s never a dull moment on a PGCE course! Professionalism plays a major part in training to become a teacher, however there’s always space to have a giggle with course mates and lecturers!
The course has a mixture of university-based lectures and school placements. University lectures help shape the type of teacher you want to become and pedagogical ways to teach certain subjects. It’s been a great way to meet new people and I’ve made some amazing friends on the course.
With 3 school placements across the year, it has been helpful for me in considering what to look for when seeking a job.
How would you describe the support you've had from lecturers during your course?
What's next for you?
I am hugely passionate about Outdoor Education. I’d love to gain a few years teaching before considering leading a Forest School.
What would you say to anyone considering teacher training? Any advice?
Go for it! It’s one of the best decisions I have ever made! It’s a great way to improve your confidence and teacher training provides you with many transferable skills, whether you aim to become a teacher or use your training for a different career. It’s fair to say that the year is a busy one of balancing lectures, assignments, school placements and life. Make sure you have a good network of friends around to help support you. All the lecturers are super approachable and are always willing to talk through things. Understand what you are signing up to and embrace the journey!