Welcome to your Chaplaincy. This page should give you all the information you need to know about what we do.
If you ever travel through Paddington station on a Friday evening you will hear the sound of the Paddington Brass Band. A group of amateur musicians who give up their Friday evening to help others to dance and sing on their journey home. The band are neither passengers nor crew, they have no agenda. They turn up out of love.
Chaplains, too, are like roving musicians. Embedded in the university, but not really part of it, we exist as ‘ministers without portfolio’; tasked with helping others to dance and sing on their journey.
We separate ourselves from our religious institutions, to tell our story, and to hear the stories of others. We are ‘outsiders’ with a purpose. So we know how hard it is to leave home, or to be living a life which feels fragile and insecure, we understand the discomfort of change and the longing for new life and growth.
In the Christian tradition Jesus says that stepping out of our comfort zone - ‘losing our life to gain it’- is the only way to achieve ‘Life in all its fullness’, so we have stepped out of our comfort zones, to see if we can share that journey together. We are a bit like a brass band on a railway station. Playing and singing in the hope that others might dance.
What we do
Life in all its fullness. Through a ministry of 'Presence' and 'Faithfulness'. Click on the statements below to find out more.
Present in our values
Faithful in our work

A prayer for the University of Cumbria
Almighty and Everlasting God, who fills all things with your presence, may your blessing rest upon the University of Cumbria, upon the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, staff and students.
Prosper their endeavours, promote their studies, and purify their minds unto the perfect knowledge of yourself; through Jesus Christ our Lord.