Dr Paul K. Miller, PhD

  • Associate Professor in Social Psychology
  • Institute of Health
  • Mental Health Research Group, Social Issues in Medical Imaging
  • Social Science
Profile picture for Paul K. Miller, PhD


After studying as an undergraduate student at the University of Surrey, and obtaining a Masters degree at Lancaster University, Paul received his PhD – also from Lancaster University – in 2004. His doctoral investigations, pertaining to communication in primary care around depression and suicide risk-assessment, led fairly naturally to a Research Fellowship at Lancaster University’s Institute for Health Research, working on a number of projects around health inequalities, secure services and end-of-life care. A two-year teaching fellowship in the Sociology department at Lancaster followed and, in 2007, Paul moved on to the newly-founded University of Cumbria. He's still there now, as an Associate Professor in Social Psychology, based in the Institute of Health.

Paul’s core research interests relate to communication across a range of healthcare and allied social environments, with a side-line in sport psychology to lighten the mood. He's a West Ham fan, so mood-lightening is kind of necessary. Recently he has published on stigmatised diagnoses, group identities, conversation analysis, decision-making, general linguistic philosophy and discursive psychology. Substantively, he is increasingly exploring the interpersonal dimensions of physiotherapy and medical imaging practice, and is a founding member of the Social Issues in Medical Imaging (SIMI) research group, alongside Dr Lisa Booth and Charles Sloane.


Qualifications and memberships


Academic and research interests

Conversation Analysis.

Discursive Psychology.

Professional-lay interaction in medical contexts.

Everyday radiographic practice.

Social and psychological concerns in physiotherapy.


Ordinary language philosophy.

Sport psychology.

Research supervision

Kelly Fielden - The role of Anatomy Education within 21st Century Occupational Therapy Programmes

Daniel Gibbons - Language, Identity and Community in Professional E-Sports

Elizabeth Harper - Gender normative views and influence on victimisation experiences of Intimate Partner Violence

Rosie Wheadon - Suicide Framing, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention


Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles

Smith, S., Godley, S., Anderson, A. and Miller, P.K. (2025) ‘Employing a coaching model of supervision during physiotherapy placements: charting the learner experience in England’, Physiotherapy, forthcoming. 

Wilbraham, S.J., Elliott, D. and Miller, P.K. (2024) ‘"It’s just how we do it": Social processes in rapid weight loss for combat sports’, Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 12(1). 

Hopkins, A. and Miller, P.K. (2023) '“This statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief”: A provisional assessment of the utility of Police Victim Statements in the qualitative understanding of domestic violence and abuse', Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 7(1), pp.146-162.

Mawson, J., Miller, P.K. and Booth, L. (2022) 'Stress, a reflective self and an internal locus of control: On the everyday clinical placement experiences of older undergraduate radiographers in the UK', Radiography, 28(1), pp.55-60.

Miller, P.K., Van Der Zee, S. and Elliott, D. (2022) 'Pain, culture and pedagogy: A preliminary investigation of attitudes towards 'reasonable' pain tolerance in the grassroots reproduction of a culture of risk', Psychological Reports, 125(2), pp.1086-1102.

Bolton, G., Booth, L. and Miller, P.K. (2021). 'Work-Related Muscular-Skeletal Disorder among UK Sonographers: Understanding the Challenges', RAD Magazine, 47(558), pp.20-22.

Christie, M., Cole, F. and Miller, P.K. (2020) 'A piloted Think Aloud method within an investigation of the impacts of a therapeutic green exercise project for people recovering from mental ill-health: Reflections on ethnographic utility', Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture, 30(1), pp.36-55.

Christie, M., Hulse, L. and Miller, P.K. (2020) 'Time for a (gardening) break: Impacts of a green exercise initiative for staff health and wellbeing in a corporate environment', Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture, 30(1), pp.1-24.

Kada, S., Satinovic, M., Booth, L. and Miller, P.K. (2019) 'Managing discomfort and developing participation in non-emergency MRI: Children's coping strategies during their first procedure', Radiography, 25(1), pp.10-15.

Miller, P.K., Booth, L. and Spacey, A. (2019) 'Dementia and clinical interaction in frontline radiography: Mapping the practical experiences of junior clinicians in the UK', Dementia, 18(3), pp.1010-1024.

Miller, P.K., Waring, L., Bolton, G.C. and Sloane, C. (2019) 'Personnel flux and workplace anxiety: personal and interpersonal consequences of understaffing in UK ultrasound departments', Radiography, 25(1), pp.45-50.

Waring, L., Miller, P.K., Sloane, C. and Bolton, G.C. (2018) 'Charting the practical dimensions of understaffing from a managerial perspective: The everyday shape of the UK’s sonographer shortage', Ultrasound, 26(4). pp.206-213.

Booth, L., Henwood, S. and Miller, P.K. (2017) 'Leadership and the everyday practice of Consultant Radiographers in the UK: Transformational ideals and the generation of self-efficacy', Radiography, 23(2), pp.125-129.

Booth, L., Kada, S., Satinovic, M., Phillips, P. and Miller, P.K. (2017) 'Student Radiographers' attitudes towards the older patient: A longitudinal study', Radiography, 23(2), pp.125-129.

Miller, P.K. and Richardson, B.H. (2017) 'Depression, rational identity and the educational imperative: Concordance-finding in tricky diagnostic moments', Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 3:17033.

Miller, P.K., Woods, A.L., Sloane, C. and Booth, L. (2017) 'Obesity, heuristic reasoning and the organisation of communicative embarrassment in diagnostic radiography', Radiography, 23(2), pp.130-134.

Sloane, C. and Miller, P.K. (2017) 'Informing radiography curriculum development: The views of UK radiology service managers concerning the 'fitness for purpose' of recent diagnostic radiography graduates’, Radiography, 23(s1), pp.s16–s22.

Booth, L., Henwood, S. and Miller, P.K. (2016) 'Reflections on the role of consultant radiographers in the UK: What is a consultant radiographer?', Radiography, 22(1), pp.38-43.

Christie, M., Thompson, M., Miller, P.K. and Cole, F. (2016) 'Personality disorder and intellectual disability: The impacts of horticultural therapy within a medium-secure unit.', Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture, 26(1), pp.3-17.

Henwood, S., Booth, L. and Miller, P.K. (2016) 'Reflections on the role of consultant radiographers in the UK: The perceived impact on practice and factors that support and hinder the role', Radiography, 22(1), pp.44-49.

Miller, P.K. (2016). 'Brief encounters with qualitative methods in healthcare research: Conversation analysis', Cumbria Partnership Journal of Research, Practice and Learning, 5(1), pp.19-23.

Miller, P.K. and Benkwitz, A. (2016) 'Where the action is: Towards a discursive psychology of “authentic” identity in soccer fandom', Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 23, pp.40-50.

Miller, P.K., Relph, N.S., Grimwood, T. and Crooks, E. (2016). 'Participant impacts of the Cumbria PFT Foundation in Management and Leadership programme: Quantitative evaluation findings', Cumbria Partnership Journal of Research, Practice and Learning, 5(1), pp.27-33.

Nelson, L.J., Miller, P.K. and Ashman, D. (2016) ''Dale':  An interpretative phenomenological analysis of a service user's experience with a Crisis Resolution/Home Treatment team in the UK', Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 23(6), pp.438-448.

Woods, A.L., Miller, P.K. and Sloane, C. (2016) 'Patient obesity and the practical experience of the plain radiography professional: On everyday ethics, patient positioning and infelicitous equipment', Radiography, 22, pp.118-123.

Christie, M., Miller, P.K. and Dewhurst, S. (2015). 'Green exercise and cardiovascular health: Quantitative evidence from a community conservation intervention in the UK', European Scientific Journal, 11(26), pp.343-356.

Miller, P.K., Cronin, C. and Baker, G. (2015) 'Nurture, nature and some very dubious social skills: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of talent identification practices in elite English youth soccer', Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 7(5), pp.642-662.

Miller, P.K., George, R. and Nicholson, S. (2015) 'Confidence-sourcing among amateur soccer players: Interpreting time, place and stimulus-relevance', The Open Sport Sciences Journal, 8, pp.8-17.

Miller, P.K. and Grimwood, T. (2015) 'Mountains, Cones, and Dilemmas of Context: The Case of “Ordinary Language” in Philosophy and Social Scientific Method', Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 45(3), pp.331-355.

Merritt, L.H. and Miller, P.K. (2014). 'Anxiety, physical activity and public performance: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of amateur gymnasts’ competition experiences', Cumbria Partnership Journal of Research, Practice and Learning, 4(1), pp.12-17.

Miller, P.K. (2014) 'Depression, sense and sensitivity: On pre-diagnostic questioning about self-harm and suicidal inclination in the primary care consultation', Communication & Medicine, 10(1), pp.39-51.

Miller, P.K., Wilson, N., Dickson, A. and Gaffney, J. C. (2014). 'Targeted Mental Health in Schools: Confidence-building among school staff as a latent systemic impact of the Cumbrian initiative', Cumbria Partnership Journal of Research, Practice and Learning. 4(1), pp.22-28.

Miller, P.K. and Cronin, C. (2013) 'Rethinking the factuality of “contextual” factors in an ethnomethodological mode: Towards a reflexive understanding of action-context dynamism in the theorisation of coaching', Sports Coaching Review, 1(2), pp.106-123.

Miller, P.K., Wilson, N., Dickson, A. and Gaffney, J. C. (2013). 'Implication pitfalls for targeted mental health in schools: Evidence from a qualitative evaluation of the Cumbrian programme', Cumbria Partnership Journal of Research, Practice and Learning, 3(1), pp.41-46.

Ward, R. L. and Miller, P.K. (2013). 'Depression, physical activity and mental health: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of general practitioners’ experiences of exercise referral schemes in the North West', Cumbria Partnership Journal of Research, Practice and Learning, 3(1), pp.13-19.

Bampouras, T., Cronin, C. and Miller, P.K. (2012) 'Performance analytic processes in elite sport practice: An exploratory investigation of the perspectives of a sport scientist, coach and athlete.', International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 12, pp.468-483.

Christie, M., Miller, P.K., Barry, T. and Dewhurst, S. (2012). 'The case for community conservation in cardiovascular health promotion in the North West: Evidence from the Lancaster “Greenfingers” initiative', Cumbria Partnership Journal of Research, Practice and Learning, 2(1), pp.22-26.

Miller, P.K. (2012) 'Arsène Didn’t See It: Coaching, Research and the Promise of a Discursive Psychology', International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 7(4), pp.615-628.

Miller, P.K., Rowe, L., Cronin, C. and Bampouras, T. (2012) 'Heuristic reasoning and the observer’s view: The influence of example-availability on ad-hoc frequency judgments in sport', Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 24, pp.290-302.


Book Chapters

Grimwood, T. and Miller, P.K. (2014) 'How to do Things Without Words', in Garvey, B. (ed.) JL Austin and Language London: Palgrave MacMillan, pp.70-85.

Grimwood, T. and Miller, P.K. (2010) 'The boy done good? Football's clichés', in Richards, E. (ed.) Soccer and Philosophy: Beautiful thoughts on the beautiful game. Chicago: Open Court, pp.379-389.


Book Reviews

Miller, P.K. (2012). Race, sport and politics: The sporting black diaspora. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 29(18), pp.2610-2612.

Miller, P.K. (2011). Psychology gets in the game: Sport, mind and behaviour, 1880–1960. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 28(13), pp.1913-1915.


Selected Entries in Books of Abstracts

Godley, S., Smith, S., Twogood, R. and Miller, P.K. (2022) 'Mapping the student experience of UK-wide virtual placement initiative in physiotherapy', Physiotherapy, 114, pp.e98. doi: 10.1016/j.physio.2021.12.043.

Miller, P.K., Godley, S., Smith, S. and Twogood, R. (2022) 'Implementing a virtual placement scheme for physiotherapy students in the UK: The experiences of clinical educators', Physiotherapy, 114, pp.e11. doi: 10.1016/j.physio.2021.12.252.

Smith, S., Godley, S., Miller, P.K., Anderson, A. and Heap, S. (2022) 'Expanding physiotherapy placement capacity: Clinical educators’ experiences of implementing a coaching approach to supervision', Physiotherapy, 114, pp.e64-e65. doi: 10.1016/j.physio.2021.12.321.

Smith, S., Miller, P.K., Godley, S., Anderson, A. and Heap, S. (2022) 'Employing a coaching model of supervision during physiotherapy placements: Charting the student experience', Physiotherapy, 114, pp.e213. doi: 10.1016/j.physio.2021.12.198.

Benton, D., Miller, P.K and Booth, L. (2019). 'Preparing student radiographers for imaging patients with dementia: An exploratory study of the “what?” and the “how?” in Higher Education strategy',in BIR Proceedings of UK Radiological Conference 2019, Liverpool ACC, 10th to 12th June, pp.93. doi: 10.1259/conf-pukrc.2019.posters-sharing-best-practice-1

Bolton, G.C., Booth, L. and Miller, P.K. (2019). 'Sonographers’ experiences of work-related musculoskeletal disorder: The everyday consequences of physiological stress and injury in contemporary ultrasound', in Proceedings of the 50th Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Medical Ultrasound Society, The Point, Emirates Old Trafford, Manchester, 4th to 6th December 2018. Ultrasound, 27(2), pp.NP50. doi: 10.1177/1742271X19840271.

Bolton, G.C., Booth, L. and Miller, P.K. (2019). 'Sonographers' management of work-related musculoskeletal disorders: An ideological dilemma?', in BIR Proceedings of UK Radiological Conference 2019, Liverpool ACC, 10th to 12th June, pp.30. doi: 10.1259/conf-pukrc.2019.posters-msk

Bolton, G.C., Waring, L., Marland, A., Sloane, C. and Miller, P.K. (2019). 'A two-year evaluation of a direct-entry postgraduate ultrasound programme: The perspectives of clinical leads', in BIR Proceedings of UK Radiological Conference 2019, Liverpool ACC, 10th to 12th June, pp.112. doi: 10.1259/conf-pukrc.2019.posters-sharing-best-practice-2

Miller, P.K. and Booth, L. (2019). 'Towards a discursive psychology of expertise in radiography education: Lecturers’ use of “authenticity through autobiography” in classroom sessions', in BIR Proceedings of UK Radiological Conference 2019, Liverpool ACC, 10th to 12th June, pp.88. doi: 10.1259/conf-pukrc.2019.posters-education

Miller, P.K., Waring, L., Bolton, G.C. and Sloane, C. (2019). 'Personnel flux and workplace anxiety: Personal and interpersonal consequences of understaffing in UK ultrasound departments', in BIR Proceedings of UK Radiological Conference 2019, Liverpool ACC, 10th to 12th June, pp.85. doi: 10.1259/conf-pukrc.2019.posters-education

Waring, L., Bolton, G.C., Smart, S., Sloane, C. and Miller, P.K. (2019). 'A two-year evaluation of a direct-entry postgraduate ultrasound programme: Mapping the student experience', in BIR Proceedings of UK Radiological Conference, Liverpool ACC, 10th to 12th June 2019, pp.113. doi: 10.1259/conf-pukrc.2019.posters-sharing-best-practice-2

Croft, R., Miller, P.K., Booth, L. and Bates, E.A. (2018). 'Detecting and reporting domestic abuse of the elderly: Mapping the concerns of experienced radiographers', in BIR Proceedings of UK Radiological Conference 2018, Liverpool ACC, 2nd to 4th July, pp.90. doi: 10.1259/conf-pukrc.2018.posters-service-innovation

Harris, D., Smart, S., Gill, R., Miller, P.K., Bolton, G.C., Waring, L. and Marland A. (2018). ‘The impacts of a clinically-orientated approach to teaching physics in ultrasound to sonography students’, in BIR Proceedings of UK Radiological Conference 2018, Liverpool ACC, 2nd to 4th July, pp.114. doi: 10.1259/conf-pukrc.2018.posters-education-research

Sloane, C. and Miller, P.K. (2018). 'Coping and the plain radiography student: Professionalism and the crippling dilemma of accountability before and after graduation', in BIR Proceedings of UK Radiological Conference 2018, Liverpool ACC, 2nd to 4th July, pp.110. doi: 10.1259/conf-pukrc.2018.posters-education-research

Waring, L., Miller, P.K., Marland, A. and Smart, S. (2018). 'Addressing the UK's sonographer shortage through new initiatives higher education: Evaluating the perspectives of ultrasound unit managers', in BIR Proceedings of UK Radiological Conference 2018, Liverpool ACC, 2nd to 4th July, pp.117. doi: 10.1259/conf-pukrc.2018.posters-education-research

Waring, L., Miller, P.K., Sloane, C. and Bolton, G.C. (2018). 'Charting the practical dimensions of understaffing from a managerial perspective: everyday consequences of the UK’s sonographer shortage', in BIR Proceedings of UK Radiological Conference 2018, Liverpool ACC, 2nd to 4th July, pp.117. doi: 10.1259/conf-pukrc.2018.posters-education-research


Selected Conference Papers

Dagnan, D., Ingham, B., Thwaites, R., Lewis, D., Sunley, J. and Miller, P.K.  (2025) 'Evaluating a brief training curriculum for NHS Talking Therapies for Anxiety and Depression (NHSTTAD) staff working with autistic people'. In: Talking Therapies National Networking Forum 2025, 23 January 2025, Online.

Bolton, G.C., Booth, L. and Miller, P.K. (2024) ‘ Work-related musculoskeletal disorders in ultrasound practice, the contextual concerns of sonographers’, UK Imaging and Oncology Congress, ACC Liverpool, 10th to 12th June 2024.

Booth, L., Miller, P.K. and Bolton, G.C. (2024). ‘UK sonographers’ perspectives on the cultural, professional and environmental contexts of living with work-related musculoskeletal disorders’, UK Imaging and Oncology Congress, ACC Liverpool, 10th to 12th June 2024.

Davies, S., Miller, P.K. and Donovan, T. (2024). ‘Evaluating human-AI interaction in the detection of lung, breast and colorectal cancers: A systematic scoping literature review’, UK Imaging and Oncology Congress, ACC Liverpool, 10th to 12th June 2024.

Mataka, S. and Miller, P.K. (2024) 'Can student engagement be enhanced using an immersion room for simulated learning?', Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research Conference, Ibis Birmingham New Street, 20th to 21st November 2024.

Mawson, J. and Miller, P.K. (2024) ‘Bridging the gap: Understanding why assistant practitioners choose a radiography UDip pathway’, UK Imaging and Oncology Congress, ACC Liverpool, 10th to 12th June 2024.

McConnell, T., Booth, L. and Miller, P.K. (2024). ‘Information wranglers and system coaxers: A qualitative interview study of radiologists’ experiences of reporting dementia imaging’, UK Imaging and Oncology Congress, ACC Liverpool, 10th to 12th June 2024.

Miller, P.K., Booth, L. and Bolton, G.C. (2024). ‘“We’ve got 30 patients, so who’s working Saturday?” Seven ideological dilemmas for sonographers with work-related musculoskeletal disorders’, UK Imaging and Oncology Congress, ACC Liverpool, 10th to 12th June 2024.

Smart, S. and Miller, P.K. (2024) ‘Student radiographers’ role ideal and role reality’, UK Imaging and Oncology Congress, ACC Liverpool, 10th to 12th June 2024.

Upton, A. and Miller, P.K. (2024) ‘An exploratory qualitative investigation of course-fee funding for students on a full-time MSc pathway in Medical Ultrasound’, UK Imaging and Oncology Congress, ACC Liverpool, 10th to 12th June 2024.

Bowden, S.L.J. and Miller, P.K. (2023) 'An occupational perspective on the lived experience of menstruation for autistic adults'. Royal College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference 2023, Online, 14-15 June 2023.

Godley, S., Elliott, D. and Miller, P.K. (2023) 'Barriers to engagement with rehabilitative services: A scoping review'. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Annual Conference 2023, Conference and Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, 1 November 2023.

Hennah, M. and Miller, P.K. (2023) 'Early career physiotherapists’ experiences of working with patients with dementia: An exploratory study'. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Annual Conference 2023, Conference and Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, 1 November 2023.

Jordan, L. and Miller, P.K. (2023) 'Using immobilisation masks in magnetic resonance imaging radiotherapy planning scans: The experiences of male patients with head and neck cancers'. British Institute of Radiology Annual Radiotherapy and Oncology Meeting 2023, St Paul's, London, 30-31 March 2023.

McKenzie, S. and Miller, P.K. (2023) 'Physio heal thyself: Healthy lifestyle behaviours for physiotherapists in the UK'. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Annual Conference 2023, Conference and Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, 1 November 2023.

Smith, S., Jamieson, J., and Miller, P.K. (2023) 'Role-emerging physiotherapy placements in a residential care setting: Exploring the student experience'. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Annual Conference 2023, Conference and Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, 1 November 2023.

Smith, S., Miller, P.K., Mills, S. and Law, E. (2023) 'Changing the landscape of physiotherapy practice education: Students’ experiences of a rotational placement pilot initiative in England'. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Annual Conference 2023, Conference and Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, 1 November 2023.

Smith, S., Miller, P.K., Mills, S. and Law, E. (2023) 'Changing the landscape of physiotherapy practice education: Clinical educators’ experiences of a rotational pilot initiative in England'. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Annual Conference 2023, Conference and Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, 1 November 2023.

Tyler, J., Miller, P.K. and Donovan, T. (2023) 'Can miscarriage be accurately predicted in early pregnancy using transvaginal ultrasound parameters?'. UK Imaging and Oncology Congress 2023: Synergy and Symbiosis, ACC Liverpool, 5-7 June 2023.

Jordan, L. and Miller, P.K. (2022) 'Using immobilisation masks in magnetic resonance imaging radiotherapy planning scans: The experiences of male patients with head and neck cancers'. United Kingdom Imaging and Oncology Congress: Harnessing Disruption, Liverpool ACC, 4-6 July 2022.

Smith, S., Miller, P.K., Law, E. and Mills, S. (2022) 'The changing landscape of practice education in physiotherapy: an investigation into the educator and student experience of a rotational placement pilot'. Enabling Effective Learning Environments NENC Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 19 October 2022.

DeWitt J., Sloane C., Marland A., Miller P.K., and Hoelterhoff, M. (2021) ‘Walking the cliff-edge: Managing the initial transition from student radiographer to professional radiographer’. Networking in Education for Healthcare Conference, University of Bath, 1-3 September 2021.

Godley, S., Smith, S., Twogood, R. and Miller, P.K. (2021) ‘Mapping the student experience of UK-wide virtual placement initiative in physiotherapy’. PhysiotherapyUK 2021, Virtual Conference, 5-6 November 2021.

Miller, P.K., Smith, S., Godley, S. and Twogood, R. (2021) ‘Implementing a Virtual Placement scheme for physiotherapy students: The experiences of Clinical Educators’. PhysiotherapyUK 2021, Virtual Conference, 5-6 November 2021.

Smith, S., Godley, S., Anderson, A., Heap, S. and Miller, P.K. (2021) ‘Employing a coaching model of supervision during physiotherapy placements: Charting the student experience’. PhysiotherapyUK 2021, Virtual Conference, 5-6 November 2021.

Smith, S., Godley, S., Miller, P.K., Anderson, A. and Heap, S. (2021) ‘Expanding physiotherapy placement capacity: Clinical Educators’ experiences of implementing a coaching approach to supervision’. PhysiotherapyUK 2021, Virtual Conference, 5-6 November 2021.

Bolton G.C., Booth L., and Miller P.K., (2020). ‘Personal impacts of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSD) on sonographers’. United Kingdom Imaging and Oncology Congress: Pathways and Communication, Liverpool ACC, 1-3 June 2020.

DeWitt J., Sloane C., Marland A., Miller P.K., and Hoelterhoff, M. (2020) 'Managing the initial transition from student to professional radiographer: Making induction and preceptorship count'. United Kingdom Imaging and Oncology Congress: Pathways and Communication, Liverpool ACC, 1-3 June 2020.

Grabrovaz M., Miller P.K., Waring L., and Bolton G.C., (2020). ‘The future of ultrasound Advanced Clinical Practitioner education: Mapping the views of programme leads in the UK’. United Kingdom Imaging and Oncology Congress: Pathways and Communication, Liverpool ACC, 1-3 June 2020.

Hoelterhoff M., Sloane C., Miller, P.K., Marland A., Barclay M., and De Witt J., (2020).  ‘“Looking back at my student years now…”: Recently-qualified radiographers’ retroactive understandings of key resilience sources’. United Kingdom Imaging and Oncology Congress: Pathways and Communication, Liverpool ACC, 1-3 June 2020.

Kelly K., Booth L., and Miller P.K., (2020). ‘Eliciting consent from patients with dementia in general X-ray departments: Law, ethics and interpretation of context’. United Kingdom Imaging and Oncology Congress: Pathways and Communication, Liverpool ACC, 1-3 June 2020.

Mawson J.A., and Miller P.K., (2020). ‘Stress and the mature undergraduate radiographer: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of final year clinical experiences’. United Kingdom Imaging and Oncology Congress: Pathways and Communication, Liverpool ACC, 1-3 June 2020.

Miller P.K., Grabrovaz M., Bolton G.C., and Waring L., (2020). ‘The future of ultrasound Advanced Clinical Practitioner education: Mapping the views of clinical leads in the public and private sector’. United Kingdom Imaging and Oncology Congress: Pathways and Communication, Liverpool ACC, 1-3 June 2020.

Sloane C., Miller P.K., DeWitt J., Hoelterhoff M., and Marland A., (2020). ‘Don’t Fear the Theatre? Newly-qualified radiographers’ tales of conflict and camaraderie’. United Kingdom Imaging and Oncology Congress: Pathways and Communication, Liverpool ACC, 1-3 June 2020.

Wilbraham, S., Elliott, D. and Miller, P.K. (2019). 'Reproducing “culture” as a barrier to individual and collective change: The case of Rapid Weight Loss practices in combat sports,' British Psychological Society Division of Health Annual Conference, Renaissance Manchester City Centre Hotel, 10th to 11th July 2019.

Harris, D., Smart, S., Gill, R. and Miller, P.K. (2018) ‘The impacts of a clinically-orientated approach to teaching physics in ultrasound to sonography students’, Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research Conference, Leeds Queen’s Hotel, 30th November to 1st December 2018.

Wilbraham, S., Elliott, D. and Miller, P.K. (2018). Weight cutting in combat sports: A qualitative exploration of barriers to intervention, British Psychological Society Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology Annual Conference, Hilton Hotel, Belfast, 3rd to 4th December 2018.

Booth, L., Kada, S., Satinovic, M., Phillips, P. and Miller, P.K. (2017). Student radiographer attitudes towards the older patient - a longitudinal study. UK Radiological and Radiation Oncology Congress, Manchester Central Convention Complex, 12th to 14th June 2017.

Booth, L., Miller, P.K. and Spacey, A. (2017). Dementia and the law in frontline UK radiography: The practical experiences of junior clinicians. UK Radiological and Radiation Oncology Congress, Manchester Central Convention Complex, UK, 12th to 14th June 2017.

Bryant, S., Sloane, C., Miller, P.K. and Phillips, P. (2017). The student diagnostic radiographer and the obese patient: Quantifying attitudes and predictors in the UK. UK Radiological and Radiation Oncology Congress, Manchester Central Convention Complex, UK, 12th to 14th June 2017.

Calvert, S. and Miller, P.K. (2017). Exercise dependence and quality of life: Sense-making among individuals with eating disorders – An ongoing study. Institute of Mental Health Annual Research Day, University of Nottingham, UK, 9th May 2017.

Kada, S., Satinovic, M., Booth, L. and Miller, P.K. (2017). Managing discomfort in non-emergency MRI: Children's coping strategies during their first procedure. UK Radiological and Radiation Oncology Congress, Manchester Central Convention Complex, UK, 12th to 14th June 2017.

Miller, P.K., Booth, L. and Spacey, A. (2017). Patient dementia and clinical interaction in frontline diagnostic radiography: Mapping the practical experiences of junior clinicians in the UK. UK Radiological and Radiation Oncology Congress, Manchester Central Convention Complex, UK, 12th to 14th June 2017.

Sloane, C. and Miller, P.K. (2017). The views of radiology service managers concerning professionalism, and the ability of newly qualified graduate radiographers to cope with working in contemporary clinical contexts. UK Radiological and Radiation Oncology Congress, Manchester Central Convention Complex, UK, 12th to 14th June 2017.

Waring, L., Miller, P.K. and Sloane, C. (2017). Constructing the “Ideal” First-Post sonographer: Mapping the views of Ultrasound Department leads in the UK. UK Radiological and Radiation Oncology Congress, Manchester Central Convention Complex, UK, 12th to 14th June 2017.

Miller, P.K., Woods, A.L., Sloane, C. and Booth, L. (2016). Obesity, heuristic reasoning and the organization of communicative embarrassment in patient-facing diagnostic radiography. UK Radiological and Radiation Oncology Congress, Liverpool ACC, UK, 6th-8th June 2016.

Sloane, C. and Miller, P.K. (2016). Soft Skills and Hard Lessons: The future of Radiography Education in the UK. UK Radiological and Radiation Oncology Congress, Liverpool ACC, UK, 6th-8th June 2016.

Christie, M., Thompson, M., Cole, F. and Miller, P.K. (2015). A horticultural therapy intervention in a medium secure unit with male service users presenting with intellectual disability and personality disorder. 14th International Conference on the Care and Treatment of Offenders with an Intellectual or Developmental Disability, National Autistic Society, Queen's Hotel, Leeds, 15th to 16th April 2015.

Earnshaw, T., Miller, P.K. and Benkwitz, A. (2015). A study of post-16 dropout: The perceived constraints influencing male University sport students’ motivation & engagement in football. BASES Student Conference 2015, Liverpool John Moore’s University, 31st March –1st April 2015.

Meddick, L., Bampouras, T.M. and Miller, P.K. (2015). An interpretative phenomenological analysis of dialysis unit staff experiences following the integration of intradialytic cycling. BASES Student Conference 2015, Liverpool John Moore’s University, 31st March –1st April 2015.

Millard, A., Miller, P.K. and Rowe, L. (2015). Evaluating a health, wellbeing & physical activity promotion policy at a UK University: Perspectives & experiences of female academics. BASES Student Conference 2015, Liverpool John Moore’s University, 31st March –1st April 2015.

Phair, Y.S. and Miller, P.K. (2015). Inhibition of pain during the rehabilitation of knee ligament injuries: an interpretive phenomenological analysis. BASES Student Conference 2015, Liverpool John Moore’s University, 31st March –1st April 2015.

Woods, A., Sloane, C. and Miller, P.K. (2015). Patient obesity and the practical experience of the medical imaging professional: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. UK Radiological and Radiation Oncology Congress, Liverpool ACC, UK, 29th June - 1st July 2015. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1713.6405.

Miller, P.K., Cronin, C. and Baker, G. (2014). Nurture, nature and some very dubious social skills: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of talent identification practices in elite English youth soccer. 4th International Conference on Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, Loughborough University, 1st-3rd September 2014.

Grimwood, T. and Miller, P.K. (2013). Darkness, tentacles and the monstrous double: The cultural motifs of “heroic” insanity. 6th Global Conference, Making Sense of Madness, Oxford University, 17th- 19th September 2013.

Downham, L.M. and Miller, P.K. (2013). Instilling Player Confidence: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of football coaches’ confidence-raising methods. BASES Student Conference 2013, Cardiff Metropolitan University, 26th-27th March 2013.

Merritt, L.H. and Miller, P.K. (2013). Stress, Anxiety and Experience among Amateur Gymnasts: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. BASES Student Conference 2013, Cardiff Metropolitan University, 26th-27th March 2013.

George, R. and Miller, P.K. (2012). Confidence and confidence-sourcing in amateur soccer players: A Straussian Grounded Theory. BASES Student Conference 2012, University of East London, 11th-12th April 2012.

Rowe, L., Cronin, C. and Miller, P.K. (2011). Heuristic Reasoning and “Armchair Refereeing:” The Influence of example-availability on ad-doc frequency judgments. 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Liverpool John Moores University, 6th–9th July 2011.

Grimwood, T. and Miller, P.K. (2011). The paradox of “ordinary language philosophy:” Ambiguous expressions in everyday talk. JL Austin Centenary Conference, Lancaster University, 5th – 7th April 2011.


Selected Commissioned Research

Miller, P.K., Bolton, G.C., Waring, L. and Booth, L. (2024) ‘Future-Proofing Education for Advanced Practice in Ultrasound: The Perspectives of Clinical Leads in England’. Research commissioned by Health Education England (HEE).

Ingham, B., Miller, P.K., Thwaites, R., Wilson, C., Greaves, J., McMeeking, P., Rodgers, J., Dewison, N., Bowden, S.L.J. and Dagnan, D.  (2023) 'Improving Talking Therapies for Autistic People'. Research comissioned by NHS England.

Miller, P.K., Relph, N.S., Earnshaw, T., Bidmead, E., Robb, S., & Williams, M. (2015). Forerunner Fund “Better Care Together” initiative: A multi-method evaluation. Research commissioned by Health Education North West (HENW).

Relph, N.S., Miller, P.K., & Phair, Y.S. (2015). “Cool4Life” weight management in Cumbria: A qualitative evaluation. Research commissioned by Cumbria Partnership NHS Trust.

Waring, L., Miller, P.K. & Sloane, C. (2015). The future of sonographic education. Research commissioned by Health Education North West (HENW).

Miller, P.K., Brownrigg, S., Grimwood, T., & Bargh, M. (2014). Learning Leaders II: A multi-method evaluation. Research commissioned by Cumbria Partnership NHS Trust.

Brownrigg, S., Miller, P.K. & Grimwood, T. (2013). Senior clinicians role profiling: A qualitative evaluation. Research commissioned by Cumbria Partnership NHS Trust.

Miller, P.K., Bargh, M., Relph, N.S. & Grimwood, T. (2013). Leadership Development Programme: A Multi-Method Evaluation. Research commissioned by Cumbria Partnership NHS Trust.

Miller, P.K., Grimwood, T., Bargh, M. & Relph, N.S. (2013). Learning Leaders: A Multi-Method Evaluation. Research commissioned by Cumbria Partnership NHS Trust.

Miller, P.K., Relph, N.S., Grimwood, T. & Bargh, M. (2013). Foundation in Management and Leadership: A Multi-Method Evaluation. Research commissioned by Cumbria Partnership NHS Trust.

Miller, P.K., Grimwood, T., Relph, N.S. & Bargh, M. (2012). Foundation in Management and Leadership Programme: A Statistical Cohort Evaluation. Research commissioned by Cumbria Partnership NHS Trust.

Miller, P.K., Wilson, N. & Dickson, A. (2011). Targeted Mental Health in Schools: Outputs from a Qualitative Appraisal of the TaMHS Programme in Cumbria. Research commissioned by Cumbria Children’s Trust, Cumbria Partnership NHS Trust & Cumbria County Council.

Recent external roles

Associate Editor, Palgrave Communications.

Associate Editor, Sage Open.

Editorial board member, Thinking Through the Social (Book Series).