Dr Peter Phillips, PhD
- Senior Lecturer Medical Imaging Science
- Institute of Health
- Health and Wellbeing

- Email: peter.phillips@cumbria.ac.uk
- Tel: 01228 242814
- Location: Lancaster
Peter is a computer scientist with research interest in novel human computer interaction and medical image computing. His research makes extensive use of eye tracking devices to analyse the visual gaze of observers making diagnostic decisions. He was been involved in national and international collaborations and specialises in gaze tracking for 3D modality interpretation. Peter is involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching.
Qualifications and memberships
- PhD in Medical Image Computing
Academic and research interests
- Medical Image Computing
- Eye tracking
- Human Computer Interaction
Partridge, G.J.W., Taib, A.G., Phillips, P. et al. Take a break: should breaks be enforced during digital breast tomosynthesis reading sessions?. Eur Radiol (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00330–023–10086–4
Partridge, G. J., Phillips, P., Taib, A., & Chen, Y. (2023, April). Challenges and solutions to processing and visualizing eye tracking data from digital pathology studies. In Medical Imaging 2023: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment (Vol. 12467, pp. 19–26). SPIE. dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2652981
Taib, A., Partridge, G., Darker, I., Phillips, P., & Chen, Y. (2023, April). Identifying and preventing fatigue in digital breast tomosynthesis. In Medical Imaging 2023: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment (Vol. 12467, pp. 27–36). SPIE. doi.org/10.1117/12.2654936
Chen, Y., Sudin, E. S., Partridge, G. J., Taib, A. G., Darker, I. T., Phillips, P., James, J. J., Satchithananda, K., Sharma, N., & Michell, M. J. (2023). Measuring reader fatigue in the interpretation of screening digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT). The British Journal of Radiology, 96(1143), 20220629. Advance online publication. doi.org/10.1259/bjr.20220629
Sudin, E., Searjeant, M., Partridge, G., & Phillips, P., Hiller, L., Snead, D., Ellis, I., Chen, Y. (2022). Digital pathology: the effect of experience on visual search behavior. Journal of Medical Imaging, 9(3), 035501. doi.org/10.1117/1.JMI.9.3.035501.
Partridge, G., Phillips, P., Darker, I., Chen, Y. (2022). Investigating reading strategies and eye behaviours associated with high diagnostic performance when reading digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) images. In Medical Imaging 2022: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment (Vol. 12035, pp. 36–47). SPIE. doi.org/10.1117/12.2611388
Searjeant, Mitchell, Peter Phillips, Alastair Gale, Dorina Roy, Amanda Koh, Ellhia Sudin, Nisha Sharma, William Teh, Humaira Khan, and Michael Michell (2021) “Determination of onset fatigue while reading Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) cases.” Symposium Mammographicum Conference 2021. Breast Cancer Res 23 (Suppl 1), 67 (2021). doi.org/10.1186/s13058–021–01443–6
Searjeant, M., Peter Phillips, P., Roy, D., Gale, A., Chen, Y. (2021) Blink identification with eye tracking: a software processing program. In Medical Imaging 2021: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment (Vol. 11599, pp. 171–182). SPIE. doi.org/10.1117/12.2580967
Roy, D., Koh, A., Gale, A., Phillips, P., Teh, W., Michell, M., Sharma, N., Darker, I., Searjeant, M., Sudin, E., Chen, Y., (2021) “Employing eye tracking to identify the onset of fatigue in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) readers for a national breast cancer screening programme”, Proc. SPIE 11599, Medical Imaging 2021: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, 115990T (15 February 2021); doi.org/10.1117/12.2580968
Booth, L., Kada, S., Satinovic, M., Phillips, P., Miller, P.K. (2017) Student radiographers’ attitudes towards the older patient – A longitudinal study, Radiography, Volume 23, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 229–234, ISSN 1078–8174, doi.org/10.1016/j.radi.2017.03.014.
Plumb, A., P Phillips, P., G Spence, G., Mallett, S., Taylor, S.A., Halligan, S., and Fanshawe, T. (2017) Increasing Navigation Speed at Endoluminal CT Colonography Reduces Colonic Visualization and Polyp Identification. Radiology 2017 284:2, 413–422
Bryant, S., Sloane, C., Miller, P.K. and Phillips, P. (2017) ‘The student diagnostic radiographer and the obese patient: Quantifying attitudes and predictors in the UK’. UK Radiological and Radiation Oncology Congress, Manchester Central Convention Complex. 12th to 14th June 2017.
Booth, L., Kada, S., Satinovic, M., Phillips, P. and Miller, P.K. (2017) ‘Student radiographers’ attitudes towards the older patient: A longitudinal study’. UK Radiological and Radiation Oncology Congress, Manchester Central Convention Complex. 12th to 14th June 2017.
Phillips, P. (2017) ‘Computer science for radiographers’. UK Radiological and Radiation Oncology Congress, Manchester Central Convention Complex. 12th to 14th June 2017.
Dong, L., Chen, Y., Gale, A., & Phillips, P. (2016). Eye Tracking Method Compatible with Dual-screen Mammography Workstation. Procedia Computer Science, 90, 206–211. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2016.07.013
Fanshawe, T. R., Phillips, P., Plumb, A., Emma, H., Halligan, S., Taylor, S. A., Gale, A., and Mallett, S. (2016). Do prevalence expectations affect patterns of visual search and decision-making in interpreting ct colonography endoluminal videos? The British Journal of Radiology, 20150842. PMID: 26903391. doi:10.1259/bjr.20150842
Venjakob, A.C., Marnitz, T., Phillips, P., and Mello-Thoms, C.R. (2016) Image Size Influences Visual Search and Perception of Hemorrhages When Reading Cranial {CT}: An Eye-Tracking Study. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2016 PMID: 0018720816630450 doi:10.1177/0018720816630450
Phillips, P. (2016) Conference workshop: Eye tracking for 3D medical imaging. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis conference, Loughborough, United Kingdom July 2016.
Phillips, P., Patefield S. (2016) Conference presentation: The effects of image processing on DDI values. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom June 2016.
Plumb, AAO; Phillips, P; Fanshawe, T; Mallett, S; Spence, G; Gale, A; et al (2016) Navigation speed along the colonic centerline at CT colonography: effect on eye movement and polyp identification. Presented at: European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology, Paris, France. (2016)
Plumb AA, Fanshawe TR, Phillips P, Mallett S, Taylor SA, Helbren E, Boone D, Halligan S. (2015) Small Polyps at Endoluminal CT Colonography Are Often Seen But Ignored by Radiologists. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2015 Oct;205(4):W424–31. doi: 10.2214/AJR.14.14093.
Helbren E, Fanshawe TR, Phillips P, Mallett S, Boone D, Gale A, Altman DG, Taylor SA, Manning D, Halligan S. (2015) The effect of computer-aided detection markers on visual search and reader performance during concurrent reading of CT colonography. Eur Radiol. 2015 Jun;25(6):1570–8. doi: 10.1007/s00330–014–3569-z.
Mallett S, Phillips P, Fanshawe TR, Helbren E, Boone D, Gale A, Taylor SA, Manning D, Altman DG, Halligan S. Tracking eye gaze during interpretation of endoluminal three-dimensional CT colonography: visual perception of experienced and inexperienced readers. Radiology. 2014 Dec;273(3):783–92. doi: 10.1148/radiol.14132896.
Helbren E, Halligan S, Phillips P, Boone D, Fanshawe TR, Taylor SA, Manning D, Gale A, Altman DG, Mallett S. Towards a framework for analysis of eye-tracking studies in the three dimensional environment: a study of visual search by experienced readers of endoluminal CT colonography. Br J Radiol. 2014 May;87(1037):20130614. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20130614.
Helbren, E; Plumb, AAO; Fanshawe, T; Phillips, P; Mallett, S; Boone, D; et al (2014) The effect of computer-aided detection markers on visual search and reader performance in CT colonography. In: (Proceedings) European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology. SpringerOpen (2014)
Plumb, AAO; Helbren, E; Phillips, P; Fanshawe, T; Mallett, S; Boone, D; et al (2014) Eye-tracking at endoluminal CT colonography: differences between false-positives diagnosed by experienced and novice readers. In: (Proceedings) European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology. SpringerOpen (2014)
Plumb, AAO; Helbren, E; Phillips, P; Fanshawe, T; Mallett, S; Boone, D; et al (2014) Polyp classification error at endoluminal CT colonography: characteristics of polyps viewed but incorrectly dismissed by radiologists. In: (Proceedings) European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology. SpringerOpen (2014)
Phillips P, Boone D, Mallett S, Taylor SA, Altman DG, Manning D, Gale A, Halligan S. Method for tracking eye gaze during interpretation of endoluminal 3D CT colonography: technical description and proposed metrics for analysis. Radiology. 2013 Jun;267(3):924–31. doi: 10.1148/radiol.12120062.
Phillips, P., Boone, D., Mallett, S., Taylor, S., Manning, D., Gale, A., Halligan, S., Altman, D. Eye Tracking The Interpretation Of Endoluminal Fly-Through In CT Colonography. Medical Image Perception Society XIV, Dublin, Ireland. August 2011.
Phillips, P. Measuring Axial CTC Interaction. Medical Image Perception Society XIII, Santa Barbara, USA. October 2009.
Phillips, P., Manning, D. Observer-Based Methodologies for Experiments in Medical Image Perception Workshop. SPIE Medical Imaging 2009 Orlando, USA. 2009
Walkerdine, J., Phillips, P. & Lock, S. A Tool Supported Methodology For Developing Secure Mobile P2P Systems. Chapter in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing for Next Generation Distributed Environments: Advancing Conceptual and Algorithmic Applications. IGI Press. 2009
Phillips, P., Manning, J., Crawford, T., Burling, D., Chi-Leung, T., Taylor, A., Searching in Axial and 3D CT Visualisations. Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 2008, San Diego, USA. February 2008.
Walkerdine, J., Phillips, P., Lock, S. Architecting secure mobile P2P systems. SAM ’08: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Software Architectures and Mobility. 2008.
Rachovides, D., Walkerdine, J., Phillips, P. The Conductor Interaction Method. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, Volume 3, Issue 4, December 2007. doi.org/10.1145/1314303.1314312
Brennan, P.C., McEntee, M., Evanoff, M., Phillips, P., O’Connor, W.T., Manning, D.J. Ambient Lighting: Effect of Illumination on Soft-Copy Viewing of Radiographs of the Wrist. Am. J. Roentgenol, 188(2):W177–80, (10.2214/AJR.05.2048) 2007.
Ball, L. J., Phillips, P., Wade, C. N., Quayle, J. D. Effects Of Belief And Logic On Syllogistic Reasoning: Eye-movement Evidence For Selective Processing Models. Experimental Psychology pp 77–86. (2006)
McEntee, M., Brennan, P., Evanoff, M., Phillips, P., O’Connor, W.T., Manning, D. Optimum Ambient Lighting Conditions for the Viewing of Softcopy Radiological Images Proceedings of the International Society of Optical Engineering, 6146, 2006.
Dix, Alan and Phillips, P. SlowTime - LifeChimes. The First International Symposium on Culture. (2006)
Phillips, P.W.E., Manning, D.J., Donovan, T. , Crawford, T.J., Higham,S. Perception in Stacked Image Modalities International Medical Image Perception Conference XI. 27th - 30th September 2005. Windermere. UK.
Donovan, T. , Manning, D.J., Phillips, P.W.E., Higham,S., Crawford, T.J. The Role of Peripheral Vision in a Fracture Detection Task International Medical Image Perception Conference XI. 27th - 30th September 2005. Windermere. UK.
Ball, L. J., Lucas, E. J., Phillips, P. Eye Movements And Reasoning: Evidence For Relevance Effects And Rationalisation Processes In Deontic Selection Tasks. B. G. Bara, L. Barsalou, & M. Bucciarelli (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Alpha, NJ: Sheridan Printing.
Phillips, P., Crawford T., Manning D., Donovan, T., Higham, S., A Software Framework for Diagnostic Medical Image Perception with Feedback, and a Novel Perception Visualisation Technique. Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 2005, San Diego, USA. February 2005.
Donovan, T., Manning D., Phillips, P., Higham, S.,Crawford T., The Effect of Feedback on Performance in a Fracture Detection Task. Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 2005, San Diego, USA. February 2005.
Poole, A., Ball, L.J., & Phillips, P. (2004). In Search of Salience: A Response-time and Eye-movement Analysis of Bookmark Recognition. Chapter in S. Fincher, P. Markopolous, D. Moore, & R. Ruddle (Eds.): People and Computers XVIII-Design for Life: Proceedings of HCI 2004 (pp. 363–378). London: Springer-Verlag.
Sheridan, J.G., Dix, A., Bayliss, A., Lock, S., Phillips, P., Kember, S. Understanding Interaction in Ubiquitous Guerrilla Performances in Playful Arenas, Proceedings of British HCI 2004, Leeds, UK, September 2004.
Lock, S., Sheridan, J.G., Lindsay, A. T., Kember, S., Phillips, P., Allanson, J., Interactive Art Installations: A New Agenda for Interaction Design, IEEE Journal on Pervasive Computing. Special Issue on Art, Design, and Entertainment, 3(1), Jan-March 2004.
Allanson, J., Kember, S., Lindsay, A., Lock, S., Peate, L., Phillips, P., Sheridan, J. G., Innovative Interactions at Lancaster University, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference for Digital Technologies and Performance Arts, Doncaster, UK, 27–29 June 2003.
Allanson, J., Kember, S., Lindsay, A., Lock,S., Peate, L., Phillips, P., Sheridan, J. G., Creativity and IT. Position paper, 4th Computers and Creativity Conference, Loughborough UK, 15 October 2002.
Kember, S., Rouncefield, M., Friday, A. and Phillips, P., (2001), MediPic: Support for Medication Management, Technical Report (Equator–01–011), Computing Department, Lancaster University, December 2001.
Phillips, P., (2001), Smart Environment Research, Technical Report (Equator–01–001), Computer Science Department, Lancaster University, November 2001.
Cheverst, K., Clarke, K., Cobb, S., Hemmings, T., Kember, S., Phillips, P., Procter, R., Rodden, T. and Rouncefield, M., (2001), Design With Care, Technical Report (Equator–01–014), Computing Department, Lancaster University and Mixed Reality Lab, Nottingham University, October 2001.
Cheverst, K., Cobb, S., Hemmings, T., Kember, S., Friday, A., Phillips, P., Procter, R., Rodden, T. and Rouncefield, M., (2001), Design With Care, Technical Report (Equator–01–013), Computing Department, Lancaster University and Mixed Reality Lab, Nottingham University, October 2001.
Rouncefield, M., Cheverst, K., Friday, A., Kember, S., Mitchell, K. and Phillips, P., (2001), Design and Digital Care, Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing in Domestic Environments, Nottingham, UK, pp.34–45, September 2001
Phillips, P., Friday, A. and Cheverst, K., (2001), Understanding Existing Smart Environments: A Brief Classification, Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing in Domestic Environments, Nottingham, UK, pp.1–4, September 2001.
Cheverst, K., Cobb, S., Hemmings, T., Kember, S., Friday, A., Phillips, P., Procter, R., Rodden, T. and Rouncefield, M., (2001), Design With Care, EDRA32 2001, Edinburgh, July 2001.
Allanson, J., Lock, S. and Phillips, P., (2001), Tangerine, A Tangible Awareness Landscape, Proceedings of the Distributed and Disappearing Interfaces in Ubiquitous Computing Workshop at ACM Conference on Computer Human Interaction (CHI2001), Seattle, USA, pp.57–62, April 2001.
Phillips, P. and Rodden, T., (2001), Multi-Authoring Virtual Words Via the World Wide Web, Interacting with Computers, Volume 13, number 3, pp. 401–426, February 2001. doi:10.1016/S0953–5438(00)00043–6
Cheverst, K., Cobb, S., Hemmings, T., Kember, S., Friday, A., Phillips, P., Procter, R., Rodden, T. and Rouncefield,M., (2001), Design With Care, New Technology in Human Services, Volume 14, Number 1 and 2, pp.39–47, 2001.
Lock, S., Allanson, J. and Phillips, P., User-Driven Design of a Tangible Awareness Landscape, Proceedings of ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems: Processes Practices Methods Techniques (DIS2000), New York City, USA, ISBN: 1–58113–219–0, pp.434–440, August 2000