Dr Elaine Bidmead, PhD
- NIHR NENC ARC Senior Research Fellow
- Institute of Health
- Health and Wellbeing

- Email: Elaine.bidmead@cumbria.ac.uk
- Tel: 01228 242804
- Location: Carlisle - Fusehill Street
Elaine’s background is in sociology and social research; she has undertaken a range of research projects in a variety of sectors (academic, charitable, local government, and museums).
Elaine is the University of Cumbria’s Senior Research Fellow for The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) in the North East and North Cumbria (NENC). ARCs aim to tackle key issues facing health and social care systems, that contribute to health and care inequality, with the goal of improving the health and wellbeing of people in the area. Elaine undertakes research into health and social inequalities with a particular focus on coastal and rural communities. Prior to taking up this role, Elaine was Senior Lecturer in Digital Health and a Research Fellow for the Cumbrian Centre for Health Technologies where she researched digital innovation in healthcare.
Qualifications and memberships
BSc Sociology
1995 University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne
MSc Social Research
1997 University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne
PhD Sociology
2008 Durham University, Durham
PgC Learning and Teaching for Higher Education
2017 University of Cumbria
Academic and research interests
Qualitative research in health and social inequality, and in digital innovation in health and care. Elaine has a particular interest in involving and engaging communities and user-groups as partners in the research and development process.
Conferences and Presentations
Bidmead, E., El Zerbi, C., Cheetham, M., (2023) Universal Credit through the Eyes of Children
and Young People. National Institute for Health and Care Research Applied Research Collaboration North East and North Cumbria Scientific Meeting. 24-25 May 2023, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
Bidmead, E., Robson, S.C., Snaith, V., Lie, M. and Marshall, A. (2017) Fetal Telemedicine Pilot – A study of clinical stakeholder acceptance of a telemedicine innovation linking a rural district general hospital with a fetal medicine unit at a major teaching hospital in Northern England [Poster]. The British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society 19th Annual Conference. 30th-31st March 2017, Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Bidmead, E., Snaith, V., Robson, S.C., Lie, M. and Marshall, A. (2017) Fetal Medicine: a mixed methods evaluation. The Kings Fund Digital Health and Care Congress 2017: Embedding technology in health and social care. 11th-12th July 2017, London.
Bidmead, E. (2016) The work of the Cumbrian Centre for Health Technologies (CaCHeT) at University of Cumbria. Cumbria Partnership Foundation Trust Annual Clinical Research Conference, 11th May 2016, Newton Rigg College, Penrith, Cumbria.
Bidmead, E. (2015) Teleswallowing - from pilot to service transformation: barriers to the adoption of successful telehealth solutions. Digital Health and Care Congress 2015: Enabling patient-centred care through information and technology, 17th June 2015, Kings Fund, London.
SC Robson, A Marshall, VJ Snaith, B Beckwith, M Lie, E Bidmead, E Van Oudgaarden, A Henderson. (2016) Improving prenatal diagnosis and management in Cumbria by telemedicine. AHSN NENC Stakeholder Engagement Event, 2nd March 2016, Hallmark Hotel, Carlisle.
Health Inequalities in Cumbria Survey Report (November 2021) https://www.cumbria.ac.uk/media/university-of-cumbria-website/content-assets/public/researchoffice/documents/Health-Inequalities-Survey-Report-Nov-2021.pdf
Life in Maryport: Access to Resources and Services (November, 2021) https://www.cumbria.ac.uk/media/university-of-cumbria-website/content-assets/public/researchoffice/documents/Maryport-Resources-and-Services2.pdf
Maryport – A left behind community? Health and Social Data Dive (May, 2021) https://www.cumbria.ac.uk/media/university-of-cumbria-website/content-assets/public/researchoffice/documents/Maryport--A-left-behind-community---Data-Dive---Final.pdf
An Examination of the Indices of Deprivation - North Cumbria Area (2020) https://www.cumbria.ac.uk/media/university-of-cumbria-website/content-assets/public/researchoffice/documents/IoD-Report--Final-1.pdf
Bidmead E, Hayes L, Mazzoli-Smith L, Wildman J, Rankin J, Leggott E, et al. (2024) Poverty proofing healthcare: A qualitative study of barriers to accessing healthcare for low-income families with children in northern England. PLoS ONE 19(4): e0292983. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0292983
Bidmead, E., El Zerbi, C., Cheetham, M., & Frost, S. (2023). A rapid review of children and young people's views of poverty and welfare in the context of Universal Credit. Children & Society, 00, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1111/chso.12728.
Bidmead, E. and McShane, C. (2021) Barriers and Facilitators to Implementation of Digital Solutions. Health, 13, 1330-1345. doi: 10.4236/health.2021.1311097.
Bidmead, E. and Marshall, A. (2020) ‘Covid-19 and the ‘new normal’: are remote video consultations here to stay?’ British Medical Bulletin, ldaa025, https://doi.org/10.1093/bmb/ldaa025.
Bidmead, E, Lie, M, Marshall, A, Robson, S.C, and Smith, V.J. (2020) ‘Service user and staff acceptance of fetal ultrasound telemedicine’. Digital Health. 6(1-12) pp1-12. https://doi.org/10.1177/2055207620925929
Bidmead, E. & Marshall, A. (2016) “A case study of stakeholder perceptions of patient held records: the Patients Know Best (PKB) solution”, Digital Health. 2 pp1-15 (DOI: 10.1177/2055207616668431). (Click here to view)
Bidmead,E., Reid, T., Marshall, A. and Southern, V. (2015),'“Teleswallowing”: a case study of remote swallowing assessment', Clinical Governance: An International Journal. 20(3) pp.155-168. (https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/CGIJ-06-2015-0020)
Bidmead, E. & Clough, R. (2013) Engagement: A guide to practice and strategy, Problems and Possibilities. Age UK Lancashire.
Cheetham, M., El Zerbi, C., Bidmead, E., Morris, S. and Dodd, T. (2024) ‘“You can see when your parents are struggling”: a qualitative study of children and young people’s views of Universal Credit’, Journal of Social Policy, pp. 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0047279424000333.
Grimwood, S., Stuart, K., Browning, R., Bidmead, E., Winn-Reed, T. (2021) The Perception of Biopsychosocial Impacts of COVID-19 During Lockdown Restrictions over time in the UK – A Mixed Methods Study, The Journal of Ideas in Health, 14(2), pp.131 https://www.jidhealth.com/index.php/jidhealth/article/view/131
Marshall, A. & Bidmead, E. 'Using Telemedicine in Practice and Implications for Workforce Development'. International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health and Social Care. Vol. 6 No 2 December 2018, pages 111-124. (https://doi.org/10.18552/ijpblhsc.v6i2.433)
Scott, S., McGowan, V., Wildman, J., Bidmead, E., Hartley, J., Mathews, C., James, B., Sullivan, C., Bambra, C. and Sowden (2024) “I’ll meet you at our bench”: adaptation, innovation and resilience among VCSE organisations who supported marginalised and minoritised communities during the Covid-19 pandemic in Northern England – a qualitative focus group study. BMC Health Services Research 24, 7 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-023-10435-5.
Smith, V.J., Marshall, A., Lie, M. Bidmead, E, Beckwith, B, Van Oudgaarden, E and Robson, S.C. (2021). Implementation of a fetal ultrasound telemedicine service: women’s views and family costs. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 21, 38 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-020-03532-4
Stuart, K. Faghy, MA. Bidmead, E. Browning, R. Roberts, C. Grimwood, S. and Winn-Reed, T. (2020) ‘A biopsychosocial framework for recovery from COVID-19’. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJSSP-07-2020-0301/full/html