Jane Morris
- Senior Lecturer and University Partnership Tutor
- Education

- Email: jane.morris@cumbria.ac.uk
- Mobile: 07966901256
- Location: Lancaster
I work part time and lead the Assessment module across the three campuses as part of the BA QTS Primary degree. I also work with our PGCE (core) programme when required. It is lovely to be able to work with academic colleagues when we draw together module delivery and assessment ideas and material. I find that there is much to be learned from each other and feel that any module is enriched by this collaborative practice.
I also work in schools who support our student placements. I can have up to 35 students to visit and encourage each term in schools around areas of Cumbria and Lancashire. The aim is to help them understand and apply the theories of good pedagogy in the classroom and I find it an inspiring and privilged role to see the next generation of teachers learning and grappling with their craft.
I appreciate working with our school based colleagues who provide the day to day advice for our trainees when they are in class. Each student needs tailored and specific support to help them achieve well so I provide mentoring advice and guidance to their class teachers and our trained mentors where appropriate. Quality assurance and moderation is a natural part of the role too as is being a sounding board for school staff when new ideas and approaches are identified as necessary.
No two days in school are the same; offering a kind and gentle approach, responding quickly, being able to trouble shoot diplomatically, problem solving and thinking "outside the box" alongside spotting achievements are all likely to be part of any visit! It has become a satisfying and enjoyable job.
Qualifications and memberships
- MA Education
- Senior Fellow HEA
Academic and research interests
- Assessment
- Cognitive science and learning
- Creativity
- Computing
Blog on creativity, cognitive function and learning.
I also write material for taught modules.
In 2018/19 I curated and created resources for two new modules; Level 5 Teaching and Learning Frameworks and Level 6 Assessment.
As Module Lead, I ensure that the Assessment module is reviewed and updated each year. These are held in our Blackboard VLE and are designed to support seminars aswell as promote independent study.
I have also written material and curated resources for an online course, 'Making memories'. This too is held on our Bb VLE and is currently available to our PG students and final year undergraduate trainees. It is designed to support trainees in achieving Teacher Standard 2 on placement as it addresses aspects of how the brain learns. The longer term intention is to get the course published online for a wider audience through FutureLearn.