Professor Julia Aglionby, PhD
- Professor of Practice
- Institute of Science and Environment
- Centre for National Parks and Protected Areas (CNPPA)

- Email:
- Mobile: 07702 100111
- Location: Ambleside
Julia Aglionby was Executive Director of the Foundation for Common Land, Chair of the Uplands Alliance until 2023 and is a practising Agricultural Valuer. and land agent specialising in ENgland's Uplands and Common Land She has also worked as an environmental economist on National Park Management in Indonesia and the Philippines. Julia was a Board Member of Natural England from 2014 - 2019 and chaired the NE Board’s Uplands Working Group.
Julia was appointed a Professor in Practice at the University of Cumbria’s Centre for National Parks and Protected Areas in September 2019. She is active in the area of Environmental Land Management policy development for England’s Uplands.
Julia lives in the Eden Valley, Cumbria on an organic pasture for life Care Farm - Susan’s Farm CIO - of which she is a Trustee. She enjoys working on the farm at the weekends.
Qualifications and memberships
MA(Oxon) Somerville College Oxford Pure and Applied Biology
MSc University College London Environment and Natural Resource Economics
Diploma College of Estate Management Rural Practice Surveying
PhD Newcastle University Law: Governance of Common Land in National Parks:
MRICS Chartered Surveyor
FAAV Agricultural Valuer
Academic and research interests
Julia’s academic interests focus on Common Property Resources in England and Indonesia’s Protected Landscapes. She is particularly interested in legal pluralism and the governance of commons. Her PhD on the subject can be accessed here Governance of Common Land in National Parks: Plurality and Purpose
Research supervision
Julia is available to support PhD and MSc students with their research in the fields of commons and upland management.
Aglionby, Julia 2024 On the Issuing of Traffic Regulation Orders in the Lake District National Park: Stubbs (on behalf of Green Lanes Environmental Action Movement) v Lake District National Park Authority and Ors in UK Earth Law Judgments Reimagining Law for People and Planet edited Dancer, H et al Bloomsbury
Aglionby, J and Field, H 2023 Rewilding and farming: Could the relationship be improved through adopting a three compartment approach to land use? in Routledge Handbook of Rewilding edited by Sally Hawkins, Ian Convery, Steve Carver, Rene Beyers
Aglionby, J 2018 Identifying Attributes of Successful Management of Upland Commons Outdoor Recreation Journal Vol 29
Aglionby, Julia 2006 Delivering favourable condition: a stakeholder approach to striking the deal on commons, The International Journal of Biodiversity Science and Management, 2:3, 262-265, DOI: 10.1080/17451590609618141
Aglionby, Julia 2010 Danau Sentarum National Park, Indonesia: a historical overview. Borneo Research Bulletin Vol 40: 20-35
Wadley, R. L., C. J. P. Colfer, R. Dennis, and J. Aglionby. 2010. The ‘social life’ of conservation: lessons from Danau Sentarum. Ecology and Society 15(4): 39. [online] URL: vol15/iss4/art39/
Aglionby, Julia, Roger Connard and Andrew Humphries Trends in Pastoral Commoning. Natural England 2009 Trends in pastoral commoning - Natural England › file
Aglionby J Community Management in Danau Sentarum Wildlife Reserve, Indonesia in Giesen, VJ. & King, K. (eds.) 1997. Incremental Costs of Wetland Conservation. Wetlands International, Kuala Lumpur, and Global Environment Facility, Washington, D.C.
Giesen, Wim and Julia Aglionby 2000 Introduction to Danau Sentarum National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia Vol 31:5-21
Bacudo, Imelda V.Aglionby, Julia Rambaldi, Giacomo Matsuura, Purisima Blastique, Teresita 2001 Handbook for the establishment and management of integrated protected area sub-funds Philippines, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau, European Commission, Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Grimble, Robin, Man-Kwun Chan, Julia Aglionby, Julian Quan 1995 Trees and Trade-offs: A stakeholder approach to natural resource management IIED, London