
I am an early career researcher with a focus on the use of coercion in mental health settings. I have experience working in collaboration with NHS trusts, independent service providers and third sector organisations. My research methodology is mostly mixed methods including service evaluation, qualitative, quantitative and digital methods. My main ethos is centred around action research and the value of co-production and Patient & Public Involvment (PPI). 

Qualifications and memberships


  • BSc Childhood, Youth & Education, 2015, Manchester Metropolitan University.
  • MSc Sociology, 2017, University of Warwick.


  • Restraint Reduction Network, RRN00172, (03/2020).
  • UKRI Early Career Researcher Forum (2021).
  • European Violence in Psychiatry Research Group (EViPRG), (2020).
  • Fostering and Strengthening Approaches to Reducing Coercion in European Mental Health Services (FOSTREN)(2021).

Academic and research interests

My primary research interests include:
• Violence in Psychiatry - including the reduction of the use of force, coercion and restrictive practices in mental healthcare.
• Mental Health crisis and detention
• Mental Health inequalities - including social injustices, racial disparities, and the experiences of the LGBTQAI+ community, people with learning disabilities and autistic people.



Mishu, M. P., Aggarwal, V., Shiers, D., Goodall, K., & Palmier-Claus, J. (2024). Developing a Consensus Statement to Target Oral Health Inequalities in People With Severe Mental Illness.

Lantta, T., Duxbury, J., Haines-Delmont, A., Goodall, K., & Whittington, R. (2023). Models, frameworks and theories in the implementation of programs targeted to reduce formal coercion in mental health settings: a systematic review.

Haines-Delmont, A., Goodall, K., Duxbury, J., & Tsang, A. (2022). An Evaluation of the Implementation of a "No Force First" Informed Organisational Guide to Reduce Physical Restraint in Mental Health and Learning Disability Inpatient Settings in the UK.

Goodall, K., & Duxbury, J. (2023). Fostering and strengthening approaches to reducing coercion in European mental health services. Poster presentation at the American Psychiatric Nurse Association (APNA) conference, Florida, USA.
Goodall, K., & Haines-Delmont, A. (2022). The implementation of mandatory training standards in mental health/learning disability settings in the UK. Paper presentation at the 12th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Goodall, K., & Haines-Delmont, A. (2021). Assessing the implementation of “No Force First” interventions in local, forensic, and learning disabilities services in the UK. Paper presentation at the Conference on Crisis, Coercion and Intensive Treatment in Psychiatry (CCITP), Rotterdam, Netherlands.
• Haines-Delmont, A., Goodall, K., & Duxbury, J. (2021). An independent evaluation of the implementation of the RRN Standards by MMU - Emerging themes. Workshop presentation at the Restraint Reduction Network Conference, Leeds, UK.