Dr Lindy Hatfield, PhD

  • Senior Lecturer in Nursing Programme Leader Practice Development Sub-Ethics Committee Chairperson Coach for Personal and Professional Development Level 7 Dissertation Module Lead Senior Fellow HEA
  • Institute of Health
  • Health and Wellbeing
Profile picture for Lindy Hatfield, PhD


Lindy commenced her nurse training in 1989. Since qualifying as a registered nurse Lindy has worked in various healthcare organisations within the UK, undertaking nursing, education and training, and leadership roles. Lindy holds a strong interest in the Education and Training of healthcare staff. She is passionate about supporting those undertaking research, and other projects that impact improving health care and the working lives of healthcare professionals.

Lindy holds a strong interest in Personal and Professional Development, her PhD focused on UK and South African experiences. She continues to explore ways of how to support part-time mature students studying at level 7 Masters. She continues to support and develop staff within their roles as Supervisors and those serving on the ethics sub-committee. She acts as a Coach, to develop and support others. 

Outside interests include raising awareness of disability, deafness and hearing support dogs, the training of her own support dog. Lindy holds a range of outdoor instructor qualifications, enjoying the outdoors. 


Qualifications and memberships

Memberships: Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa (DENOSA)

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA)


Coaching and Mentoring Certificate

Professional Development Course for External Examiners (Advance HE)

PhD The University of Edinburgh

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA)

NMC Registered Teacher Status

MSc in Health Care Management, Bath Spa University.

Level 3 Counselling for Carers Module

Stage 1 & 2 7307 teaching qualification and Cert. in Education

NVQ Assessor (D32/33), Internal Verifier (D43) and APEL (D36) NVQ qualifications.

BA (Hons) 



Academic and research interests

Personal and Professional Development of Registered Nurses and Health Care Professionals, Staff Development, Clinical Supervision

Management and leadership

Operating Department Nursing

Research supervision

Dissertation Supervisor for Level 7 Dissertation Students


Hatfield LM (2017) ‘A Risky Research Project: A cross cultural comparison on Registered Nurses (RN) using a feminist approach. Exploring UK and South African (SA) women’s experiences and perceptions of Personal and Professional Development (PPD). RCN International Research Conference 2017. Oxford UK.

Hatfield LM (2017) ‘Struggles and Effective Strategies of RN’s and their Personal and Professional Development (PPD). An exploration of the findings from a qualitative research study of UK and South African (SA) women and to how this knowledge can influence future practice of developing RN’s in a global context’. RCN Education International Conference 2017. Nursing Education and Professional Development: The global perspective. Cardiff UK.

Hatfield LM (2016) ‘Researching female nurses experiences and perceptions of Personal and Professional Development (PPD) in the United Kingdom (UK) and South Africa(SA)’. Real World Research & Innovation. University of Cumbria, Lancaster UK.

Hatfield LM (2016) ‘Researching SA Registered Nurses’ perceptions and experiences of Personal and Professional development (PPD)’, DENOSA 3rd SA Nurses Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Hatfield LM (2014) ‘The Feminist Approach in Recruiting, interviewing, and interpreting findings from research carried out with Women in the UK and SA’, Doctorial Colloquium, University of Cumbria Lancaster, UK

Hatfield L.M. (2004) Registered Nurses and the role of the NVQ Assessor. Bournemouth University, 5th Qualitative Research Conference in Heath and Social Care.UK